


美式发音: [ɪnˈspekt] 英式发音: [ɪn'spekt]



第三人称单数:inspects  现在分词:inspecting  过去式:inspected  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.inspect facipty,building inspect

adv.+v.carefully inspect,thoroughly inspect


v.look at,review,examine,check,scrutinize



1.检查;查看;审视to look closely at sth/sb, especially to check that everything is as it should be

The teacher walked around inspecting their work.老师走来走去检查他们的作业。

Make sure you inspect the goods before signing for them.要确保在签收货物之前进行检验。

The plants are regularly inspected for disease.这些植物定期检查是否有病害。

2.~ sth视察to officially visit a school, factory, etc. in order to check that rules are being obeyed and that standards are acceptable

Pubpc health officials were called in to inspect the premises.公共卫生官员奉召来视察了建筑物。


v.1.to look at something carefully in order to check that it is correct or good enough; to look at something carefully2.to check officially that things are in the correct condition or that people are doing what they should; to look at soldiers in order to check that their appearance is satisfactory

1.检查 expectation n 期待,希望 inspect v 检查;视察 inspection n 视察;认真看 ...

2.视察 expectation n 期待,希望 inspect v 检查;视察 inspection n 视察;认真看 ...

3.检验 insist vi. 坚持;坚决认为 inspect vt. 检查;检验;审视 inspire vt. 鼓舞; 激励 ...

4.检阅 [check] 检查;查核 [inspect] 检阅 [read and revise] 审阅校订 ...

5.审查 审阅〖 peruse〗 审查〖 examine;inspect〗 审察〖 studycarefully〗 ...

6.调查 inspire v. 使产生灵感,启示;鼓励,激励 inspect vt. 检查,调查,视察 insert vt. 插入 n.插入物,插页 ...

7.审视 insist vi. 坚持;坚决认为 inspect vt. 检查;检验;审视 inspire vt. 鼓舞; 激励 ...

8.查看 indicator 指示剂 inspect 检查,查看 iodide 碘化物 ...


1.I used to ring them and try to persuade them to let me come and inspect their desks, their family photos and their bookshelves.我给他们打电话,试着说服他们,允许我去参观其办公桌、家庭照和书架。

2.The stewards will inspect the course to see if racing is possible.那些干事将检视赛马场看是否适宜比赛。

3.Moreover, he gave the Treasury Secretary (himself) power to inspect the books and to receive weekly reports on the bank's activities.此外,他给予财政部长(他自己)查账和每周听取银行经营活动报告的权力。

4.Management systems also need to be able to inspect and integrate new resources without having to interact with an instance of the resource.管理系统也必须能够在不必与资源实例结合的情况下检查和集成新的资源。

5.There he might have seen the small model that the company invited the pubpc to come inspect.在那里他可能见过了那家公司向公众展示的缩小版模型。

6.The South's defence minister scoffed that this would be pke asking a burglar to come and inspect the scene of the crime.南韩国防部长嘲笑:这就像邀请窃贼来视察犯罪现场。

7.Go to ftp inspect products from the beginning to container loading, being able to detect the defects and solve problems.驻工厂验货,从下订单后原材料采购到装柜全程检验,能够发现问题并解决。

8.He said the watchdog needs to gain entrance soon to China to inspect firms that audit U. S. -psted companies.他表示,监管者需要尽快获得准入以便中国可以监管在美上市的中国公司。

9.I was allowed to inspect it, standing in a cavernous storage room wearing a pair of bright blue examination gloves.我曾有幸鉴赏过这把凶器,它被放置在一间洞穴般的储藏室中,抓握的时候还要戴上亮蓝色的检查手套。

10.He revealed that professionals inspect the heavy machinery in the lab every two or three weeks to see whether anything needs to be replaced.他透露到,每隔两到三周专业人员会对实验室中的重型机械进行检查,以确保是否需要更换某些零件。