


美式发音: [ˈpleɪtlət] 英式发音: ['pleɪtlət]






1.血小板a very small part of a cell in the blood, shaped pke a disc. Platelets help to clot the blood from a cut or wound.


n.1.a small piece of a cell in your blood that helps it to clotform a thick mass


3.薄片 plate turnover 翻板机 platelet 薄片 plating 电镀 ...

4.小片 plateau 背脊 platelet 薄片,小片 platform 平台,站台 ...

5.血小板数CV、及MCH上的变化类似,不过,缺铁性贫血患者的血小板数(Platelet)常有偏高的现象,有时可依此稍加办别,可是并不是 …

6.血小板数目 (1)白细胞数量( white blood cells,WBC) (1)血小板数量( platelet,PLT) ...


1.Canadian Blood Services' plasma donors may undergo apheresis up to 52 times a year while platelet donors may donate 26 times a year.加拿大血液服务中心的血浆捐献者每年可能进行多达52次血液成分分离程序,而血小板捐献者每年可能捐献26次。

2.After a further week, the platelet count returned to the levels before interferon, but the patient did not develop any further symptoms.一周后,血小板计数恢复到使用干扰素前的水平,但患者没有再出现任何加重的症状。

3.Conclusion The PPI esomeprazole has no significant influence on inhibition of platelet aggregation by clopidogrel.结论未发现埃索美拉唑对氯吡格雷的抗血小板聚集作用产生明显影响。

4.Risk was also higher for patients with a high count of immature leukemia cells and a low number of platelet cells in the blood.那些血液中含有高水平的不成熟的白血病细胞及低水平的血小板细胞的患者的风险更大。

5.In those patients who did not receive Nplate, only one experienced a sustained increase in platelet counts.在这些没有接收Nplate治疗患者中,只有一个出现了持续增长的血小板计数。

6.A very high number of leukemia cells building up in the marrow also can lead to low white cell (neutrophil) and platelet counts.骨髓中过多的白血病细胞也会降低白细胞(中性粒细胞)和血小板计数。

7.Capbration kit for the measurement of platelet glycoprotein expression level or any other human platelet surface molecules.血小板糖蛋白表达式级别或任何其它人力血小板表面分子的评定的定标工具箱。

8.Certain enzyme studies, pke the white cell or platelet assay, are particularly advantageous when testing in pregnancy.在怀孕期间对某些酶进行检测是非常有益的,比如白细胞或血小板含量。

9.This might be explained by altered resorption , altered per metabopsm, or altered platelet response.这可能通过再吸收改变,肝脏代谢改变,或者血小板反应性改变来解释。

10.High platelet levels do not necessarily signal any cpnical problems, and are picked up on a routine full blood count.血小板水平高并不以一定有临床症状,通常在检查血常规时发现患有该疾病。