


美式发音: [ɪnˈstrʌkt] 英式发音: [ɪn'strʌkt]



第三人称单数:instructs  现在分词:instructing  过去式:instructed  同义词




1.指示;命令;吩咐to tell sb to do sth, especially in a formal or official way

The letter instructed him to report to headquarters immediately.那封信指示他立即向总部汇报。

You will be instructed where to go as soon as the plane is ready.飞机一准备好就会通知你去何处。

She arrived at 10 o'clock as instructed .她依照指示于 10 点钟到达。

He instructed that a wall be built around the city.他下令在城的周围筑一道城墙。

He instructed that a wall should be built around the city.他下令在城的周围筑一道城墙。

‘Put it there,’ she instructed (them).“把它放在那儿。”她吩咐(他们)道。

2.~ sb (in sth)教授,传授(技能等)to teach sb sth, especially a practical skill

All our staff have been instructed in sign language.我们的员工都接受过手语训练。

3.[usupass]~ sb that…告知;通知to give sb information about sth

We have been instructed that a decision will not be made before the end of the week.我们已获悉周末前不会作出决定。

4.~ sb (to do sth)委托(律师);托办to employ sb to represent you in a legal situation, especially as a lawyer


v.1.to tell someone to do something, especially officially or as their employer2.to teach someone a subject or skill3.to arrange for a lawyer to speak for you in court; if a judge instructs a jury, he or she gives them advice about making their decision

1.指示 train 训练 instruct 指示 require 要求 ...

2.命令 certainty n. 确信 instruct v. 命令 responsible adj. 有责任的 ...

3.教 instinctive 本能的,天性的 instruct (育),指示,通知 instructor 指导者,教员,教 …

4.指导 destructive a 有破坏力的 instruct n 指导,教导 instruction n 教导,指导 ...

5.通知 instinctive 本能的,天性的 instruct 教(育),指示,通知 instructor 指导者,教员,教 …

6.教导 destructive a 有破坏力的 instruct n 指导,教导 instruction n 教导,指导 ...

7.传授 (5) 任命[ appoint] (7) 传授[ instruct;teach] (10) 通“受”。接受[ accept] ...

8.教授 32. 教士[ priest;clergyman;minister;Christian missionary] 35. 教授[ instruct] 36. 教唆[ entice] ...


1.It would be advisable for you to instruct a credit agency to investigate the matter.贵方指示信用调查机构调查这件事是明智之举。

2.Please provide assistance and a quote for how much it would take to instruct me how to solve this issue.请提供援助和为多少则需指导我如何解决这个问题的报价。

3.The heart of the wise shall instruct his mouth: and shall add grace to his pps.智慧人的心,使自己的嘴灵巧,使自己的唇舌,更具说服力。

4.Instruct your ego self that it is only to be an observer on this journey, it is not to participate.指导你的自我的自己,它只是在这个旅程的观察员,这是不参加。

5.Paul did not instruct each individual Berean to go home and decide by himself and for himself whether what he was teaching was true.保罗并没有吩咐个别的庇哩亚人回家,自己决定他所教导的是否是真的。

6.However Stoke are good on set-pieces generally so I wouldn't instruct my players to kick it out for a corner rather than a throw-in.然而,斯托克在定位球上通常也很优秀,所以我不会教导我的球员给他们一个角球而不是一个边线球。

7.In trying to instruct our own pubpc opinion, we are deapng with a pupil apt to think itself quite sufficiently instructed beforehand.而在努力指导我们本国的公众舆论时,我们所要对付的是这样一位学生,他习惯于认为自己早已受到过十分充足的训练。

8.The manager was then asked if he would instruct any of his defenders to rough up Lionel Messi, Barca's key man, on Wednesday night.随后温格被问及是否会在周三晚的大战中布置专人防守巴萨的核心梅西时,他答道。

9.Last October, Thiessens found a tutor to instruct him for an hour a day, five days a week.去年十月,西塞斯找到了导师,指导他每天学习一小时,每周五天。

10.As a nutritionist, I instruct people what to eat, how to eat and how much to eat so as to keep healthy.作为营养师,我指导人们吃什么、怎样吃和吃多少才能保持健康。