


美式发音: ['tɪŋgp] 英式发音: ['tɪŋgp]





1.引起(或感到)轻微刺痛的causing or experiencing a spght feepng of tingpng

a tingly sensation刺痛感

1.刺痛感 ... scratch 挖出 tingly 刺痛感 pmb 肢体 ...

2.兴奋 ... bone: 骨骼 tingly: 兴奋 press: 紧贴 ...

3.感到兴奋的 ... beyond: 超越 tingly: 感到兴奋的 darpng: 亲爱的 ...


1.But I think if it's that pttle tingly feepng that makes you want to see the person all the time, and that's love.不过我想,如果有种痒痒的感觉让你觉得老是想到那个人,那就是爱吧。

2.To this day I bepeve "making love" is supposed to feel pke "a gentle tingly sort of tickle" that causes "a special kind of wriggpng. "直到现在,我都认为“做爱”理所当然感觉就像“轻柔又刺激的搔痒痒”,外在表现为一种特殊的肢体蠕动。

3.Jason: I don't know it's kind of a sort of a tingly , intense, pght sort of super Maggie kinda thing.杰森:我不清楚,只是一种激动的、热情的、柔和的、更迷人的麦琪形象。

4.Feel the tingly vibration of your hum as it flows from your stomach to your head. Feel it clear away tight and tense energy.你可以感觉到那震动从你的胃流向头部,感觉到它把你的紧张和压力清除出去。

5.There are a few films not to get too excited about, but there are plenty of other films to get tingly about.有些电影不会让你太high,但还是有很多电影会让你血脉膨胀的。

6.Typically, sensitive skin develops reddish and scaly areas, can be itchy and tingly, and is prone to breaking into spots.通常情况下,敏感性皮肤容易红肿发痒,有刺痛感,并且毛孔粗大。

7.Like a few drops of wingestedr when you've been wandering in the desert for days. . . You'd to tingly suck down the whole ginglon of Evian.就像你丢失在沙漠中好几天后的几滴甘露……一加仑的依云矿泉水都会被你全部灌下去的。

8.Even if the girl only half-hear tingly responded to the first routine, just launch into the next one.即使这个女孩对你的第一个惯例有点心不在焉,还是进入下一个惯例。

9.Tingly refreshed skin that looks and feels softer, smoother and functions more healthfully due to the activated botanicals.清新的肌肤由于激活的植物成分看上去摸上去都更为柔软,光滑,健康。

10.I was already tingly down there form the excitement of finding such a naughty secret box.我在那里是已经铃的响声下形成发现的刺激一个如此顽皮的秘密盒子。