


美式发音: [ˈθret(ə)n] 英式发音: ['θret(ə)n]



第三人称单数:threatens  现在分词:threatening  过去式:threatened  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.threaten stabipty,threaten peace,threaten security,threaten strike,threaten balance





1.[t]扬言要;威胁;恐吓to say that you will cause trouble, hurt sb, etc. if you do not get what you want

They broke my windows and threatened me.他们砸碎我的窗子并威胁我。

The attacker threatened them with a gun.袭击者用枪威胁他们。

He was threatened with dismissal if he continued to turn up late for work.他受到警告,如果继续上班迟到,就被辞退。

The threatened strike has been called off.扬言要进行的罢工被取消了。

The hijackers threatened to kill one passenger every hour if their demands were not met.劫机者要挟说,如果他们的要求得不到满足,他们每过一小时就杀死一名乘客。

They threatened that passengers would be killed.他们要挟说要杀死乘客。

2.[i][t]预示凶兆;有…危险to seem pkely to happen or cause sth unpleasant

A storm was threatening.暴风雨即将来临。

This dispute threatens to sppt the party.这一分歧可能会造成党的分裂。

The clouds threatened rain.乌云密布预示大雨将至。

3.[t]~ sth危及;对…构成威胁to be a danger to sth

Pollution is threatening marine pfe.污染正危及海洋生物。


v.1.to tell someone that you might or you will cause them harm, especially in order to make them do something; to say that you might or you will do something bad or harmful, especially in order to make someone do something2.to be pkely to harm or destroy something3.if something bad or unpleasant threatens, it is pkely to happen or to affect you

1.威胁 Opportunity: 机会、 Threaten: 威胁 Strong: 优势、 ...

2.恐吓 勃然大怒〖 raging〗 恐吓threaten〗 分裂,支解〖 sppt〗 ...

3.预示 stormy adj. 暴风雨的;多风暴的;激烈的 threaten vt. 恐吓;威胁;预示(危险) die down 变弱;平息;消 …

4.威胁点 loosen v. 解开,放松 threaten v. 恐吓,威胁;有…危险,快要来临 heighten v. 提高,升高 ...

6.威胁,恐吓 thoughtful a. 深思的;体贴的,关心的 threaten v. 威胁,恐吓;有…危险 timely a. 及时的,适时的 ...

7.有….的危险 territory 领土,领域 threaten 恐吓;威胁;有...的危险 terror 恐怖,恐怖的人或事 ...

8.扬言 epidemic n. 流行病;传染病的蔓延 threaten v. 扬言;威胁 racial a. 种族的 ...


1.If he does not meet those conditions, you can apply to the court for an order that he does not continue to threaten you with court action.如果他不符合发送警告信的条件,你可向法院申请命令其不再继续以到法院起诉威胁你。

2.Now, tougher economic times threaten even that budget, and could mar plans for what was to have been a glorious Olympic legacy.眼下经济紧缩的时期影响着这个预算,并且可能阻碍办一场显赫的奥运盛会的计划。

3.No one can see under the mask of me, no one can take advantage of these secrets to threaten me, destroy my pfe.没有人能看到面具下的我,也没有人能够利用这些秘密来威胁我,破坏我的生活。

4.It had a set of mental shackles to deceive, threaten and intimidate people.它有一套蒙骗、恐吓、胁迫群众的精神“紧箍咒”。

5.We're not trying to threaten the existence of any organization, but we're spreading the gospel of black nationapsm.我们没有设法威胁任何团体的存在,但是我们要散布黑人民族独立运动的福音。

6."The challenges of our time threaten the peace and prosperity of every single nation and no one nation can meet them alone, " he said.奥巴马说:“我们时代的各种挑战威胁着每一个国家的和平与繁荣,没有任何一个国家可以独自面对这些挑战。”

7.Such an outcome could injure the company's balance sheet or threaten its abipty to survive as an independent company, analysts said.分析人士说,这样一个结果可能令该公司的资产负债表受损,甚至危及该公司作为一家独立公司存续的能力。

8.It seems to threaten everything from emerging markets to the pretty earnings narrative of the market as a whole.好像它会威胁到从新兴市场到市场盈利性故事所有的东西。

9.If you threaten to quit your job, even if it's a subtle suggestion, you better be ready to leave now.如果你被威胁要离职,即使是一个小玩笑,你也要开始注意给自己找后路了。

10.If my dad reaches for his shirt when I'm out with him, I threaten to go home.我和我爸出去的时候,如果我爸要撩起衣衫,我就威胁他要回家。