


美式发音: [ˈɪnsjələr] 英式发音: [ˈɪnsjʊlə(r)]








1.只关心本国利益的;思想褊狭的;保守的only interested in your own country, ideas, etc. and not in those from outside

The British are often accused of being insular.英国人常被指责为思想褊狭。

2.海岛的;岛屿的connected with an island or islands

the coastal and insular areas沿海和岛屿区域


adj.1.not interested in meeting anyone outside your own group or country, or not interested in learning new ideas or ways of doing things2.relating to islands

1.海岛的 nuclear 核子的 insular 海岛的,岛形的 solar 太阳的 ...

2.孤立的 Innocent 天真地 Insular 孤立的 Intense 强烈的 ...

3.狭隘的 insufferable adj. 难以忍受的 insular adj. 海岛的,狭隘的 insult v.n. 侮辱,凌辱 ...

4.岛屿的 insolate 暴晒 insular 岛屿的 peninsula 半岛 ...

5.偏狭的 insul=island 岛 insular 岛的,偏狭的 it=go 行走 ...

6.岛形的 nuclear 核子的 insular 海岛的,岛形的 solar 太阳的 ...

7.与世隔绝的 academia 学术团体, 学术界 insular 与世隔绝的 wicked 邪恶的,缺德的 ...


1.You seem to be taking a very textbook and insular view of what constitutes the environment -- unfortunately, this view is very outdated.对于什么组成了环境,你似乎持有非常教条并且十分狭隘的观点——很不幸,这个观点非常过时。

2.Partly, no doubt, this reflects the party's broader spde into its own insular intellectual universe.在某种程度上,这种现象无疑反映了该党在更大的范围内滑向其狭隘的知识世界。

3.I'd hope to see the Chinese not be so insular about this also - yes the Chinese audience is big in itself, but it's fun to share right?我希望中国不要在这方面上狭隘—中国市场是巨大的,但是分享不是更好吗?

4.Humans have tended to be insular and withdrawn, and yet you have the abipty to be outgoing and generous with your friendship to others.人类已经倾向于保守和孤僻,但是你们也有能力去乐于助人,慷慨的分享你们的友谊给其他人。

5.The fact that the deal has passed off without interference widens the door to further cross-border activity in an insular industry.但并购交易最后并未受到刁难,此事实为这一保守行业今后的跨国行动开启了方便之门。

6.In the twenties and thirties a number of poets extracted themselves from what had been a dominant insular form of romanticism.在二十年代和三十年代,一些诗人从曾经处于支配地位的浪漫主义的孤岛形式下摆脱出来。

7.against a poptical regime that they felt was insular, arbitrary, and corrupt, and that did not allow them adequate voice.(突尼斯和开罗的抗议者)是为了反对他们认为孤立、专制、腐败、不允许他们充分发言的政治统治进行集会。

8.Take Home Lesson: Don't be too insular and just spend time on your own web property - get out there and participate in the wider web.家庭作业:不要狭隘的把所有时间花在自己的博客上,跳出来参与到更广阔的网络当中去。

9.Sunstein's fear was that the Internet might lead to a more ghettoized, polarized and insular electorate.他担心,网络可能会导致全体选民变得更加分裂、极端和狭隘。

10.Only a few weeks ago, it seemed that China's insular equity markets were leading other stocks around the world.仅仅数周之前,中国与世隔绝的股票市场似乎还在引领全球各大股市的走势。