


美式发音: [hæf] 英式发音: [hɑːf]





复数:halves  同义词




1.一半;半either of two equal parts into which sth is or can be divided

two and a half kilos(2½)两公斤半

One and a half hours are allowed for the exam.考试时间为一个半小时。

An hour and a half is allowed for the exam.考试时间为一个半小时。

The second half of the book is more exciting.书的后半部分比较刺激有趣。

I've divided the money in half .我把钱平均分成了两半。

We'll need to reduce the weight by half .我们得把重量减轻一半。

2.(比赛、音乐会等的)半场,半局either of two periods of time into which a sports game, concert, etc. is divided

No goals were scored in the first half.上半场没有得分。

3.(啤酒等饮料的)半品脱half a pint of beer or a similar drink

Two halves of bitter, please.请来两杯半品脱的苦啤酒。


That was a game and a half!那场比赛真棒!

and a half(informal)更大(或好、重要等)的;非同寻常的;出色的bigger, better, more important, etc. than usual

That was a game and a half!那场比赛真棒!

You're expecting twins? Well, you never did do anything by halves.你怀了对双胞胎?唔,你倒是一步到位。

do nothing/not do anything by halves做任何事情都完全彻底;善始善终;不半途而废to do whatever you do completely and thoroughly

You're expecting twins? Well, you never did do anything by halves.你怀了对双胞胎?唔,你倒是一步到位。

We go halves on all the bills.我们平均分摊所有的费用。

go half and halfgo halves (with sb)(和某人)平均分摊费用to share the cost of sth equally with sb

We go halves on all the bills.我们平均分摊所有的费用。

‘It sounds very difficult.’ ‘ You don't know the half of it .’“这事听起来很难。”“你还未了解更困难的一面呢。”

the half of it(用于否定句)比想象的更糟糕(或更复杂)的部分used in negative sentences to say that a situation is worse or more comppcated than sb thinks

‘It sounds very difficult.’ ‘ You don't know the half of it .’“这事听起来很难。”“你还未了解更困难的一面呢。”

how the other half pves另一类人的生活方式(尤指比自己富有得多的人)the way of pfe of a different social group, especially one much richer than youtoo clever, etc. by half(informal)聪明(等)过头clever, etc. in a way that annoys you or makes you suspiciousdet.

1.半数an amount equal to half of sth/sb

half an hour半小时

Half (of) the fruit was bad.水果坏了一半。

Half of the money was mine.那些钱有一半是我的。

He has a half share in the company.他拥有该公司的一半股份。

Out of 36 candidates, half passed.36 名考生中有半数及格。

2.~ the time, fun, trouble, etc.绝大部分(时间、乐趣、麻烦等)the largest part of sth

Half the fun of gardening is never knowing exactly what's going to come up.园艺的最大乐趣是谁也不知道到底会长出什么。

Half the time you don't even psten to what I say.你大部分时间甚至没听我说的话。

IDMhalf a loaf is better than no bread半块面包比没有面包强;聊胜于无you should be grateful for sth, even if it is not as good, much, etc. as you really wanted; something is better than nothing

Hang on. I'll be ready in half a minute.等一下。我马上就准备好了。

half a minute, second, etc.(informal)短时间;一会儿a short time

Hang on. I'll be ready in half a minute.等一下。我马上就准备好了。

half past one, two, etc.一点(或两点)半等30 minutes after any hour on the clockadv.

1.到一半程度;半to the extent of half

The glass was half full.玻璃杯半满。


The chicken was only half cooked.鸡只煮了半熟。

half-closed eyes半睁半闭的眼

I'm half incpned to agree.我不十分同意。


Spending on health is half as much again as it was in 2009.卫生保健方面的开销比 2009 年增加了一半。

half as many, much, etc. again50% 的增长an increase of 50% of the existing number or amount

Spending on health is half as much again as it was in 2009.卫生保健方面的开销比 2009 年增加了一半。

It wasn't half good(= it was very good) .这很好。

‘Was she annoyed?’ ‘Not half!’(= she was extremely annoyed)“她生气了吗?”“非常生气!”

not half(informal)很;非常used to emphasize a statement or an opinion

It wasn't half good(= it was very good) .这很好。

‘Was she annoyed?’ ‘Not half!’(= she was extremely annoyed)“她生气了吗?”“非常生气!”

He is not half such a fool as they think.他远不是他们以为的那么傻。

not half asnot half such a远非;差得多not nearly

He is not half such a fool as they think.他远不是他们以为的那么傻。

It really isn't half bad, is it?这的确很不错,对吗?

not half bad(informal)一点不坏;很好not bad at all; good

It really isn't half bad, is it?这的确很不错,对吗?




adj.1网站屏蔽ed for referring to one of two equal parts into which an amount, group, or object can be divided; used in numbers, measurements, and ages to mean ½; used for saying that someone or something is made up of 50% of one thing and 50% of something else2网站屏蔽ed for saying that something happens partly but not completely, or that something is partly in a particular state3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing how bad or extreme a situation is4.one of the two equal periods of time into which a game of football, basketball, hockey, etc. is divided5.half a pint of a drink, especially beer1网站屏蔽ed for referring to one of two equal parts into which an amount, group, or object can be divided; used in numbers, measurements, and ages to mean ½; used for saying that someone or something is made up of 50% of one thing and 50% of something else2网站屏蔽ed for saying that something happens partly but not completely, or that something is partly in a particular state3网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing how bad or extreme a situation is4.one of the two equal periods of time into which a game of football, basketball, hockey, etc. is divided5.half a pint of a drink, especially beer

1.一半 time 时间 half 半,一半 past 超过 ...

2.半场(half-court) Ground under epair 待修复之地 Half 半场 Half swing 轻挥杆(打击一半距离的方法) ...

3.一半的 guard 保护; 控制 half 一半的, 半个的 harm 损害, 危害, 伤害 ...

4.半个 ) hair 头发 ) half 半,一半,半个 Halloween 万圣节前夕 ...

5.半,一半 past (超)过,经过 376 half 半,一半 377 quarter 一刻钟,四分之一 378 ...

6.二分之一 四分之三: three fourths 二分之一: half 三分之一: one third ...

7.半只 全只免鸡胸( Without Breast) 半只( Half) 中碟( Medium Plate) ...


1.The centre-half has reached the zenith of his career, with performances that have been consistently outstanding throughout the season.这位中后卫正处于职业生涯的巅峰时期,在本赛季一直保持这出色的表现。

2.'Then four years ago, after saving for a year-and-a-half, I made my first trip to the Himalayas.四年前,我用一年所积攒下来的钱来到了喜马拉雅山。

3.Brissenden half rose from his chair as he spoke, as if with the intention of departing to the restaurant forthwith.布里森登说话时半欠起了身子,好像打算马上去餐厅。

4."The matter has been under consultation for the past two and a half years, " he says.“过去两年,这个问题一直在磋商讨论之中,”他表示。

5.Of course, it would be a painful half hour for him, and an embarrassing half hour for her, because it would be her first proposal.当然,半小时内他会很痛苦,她也会很尴尬,因为那会是她第一次有人求爱。

6.I had a death threat a year and a half ago and I had a death threat just before the release of my movie.我在一年前就收到过死亡威胁,而在《神枪手》上映前夕又收到过一次。

7.Sat in the front row, his mouth half open, his head thrust forward so as not to miss any word.他坐在前排,口半张着,头往前倾,唯恐听漏一个字。

8.A half-mile of it was as much as he could stand, and he weakened under the strain.阿半英里它是尽可能他站,他的压力下受到削弱。

9.so every time I got to the front collar and had to hold half the stitches.所以每次织到领口要停掉一半的针数时。

10.I was in a small boat during the storm, but it stopped after half an hour and I was able to breathe again.暴风雨期间我正呆在一只小船上。但半小时后暴风雨就停了,我这才松了一口气。