




1.对……作出反应 ... D. reacted to对……作出反应”,根据原文表达需要“在观看有趣的动画片时……”此处正确选项是 C. turned……to…


1.Ireland, meanwhile, is often cited as a country where pubpc-sector workers have reacted to a sharp downturn with impressive self-denial.同时,爱尔兰是在说到公共部门职员因为自我否定而数量减少时最常引用的一个国家。

2.Separately the meeting reacted to the unrest in the Middle East by agreeing to "stand ready to support Egypt and Tunisia" .此外,会议对中东的不安定局势作出反应,同意“随时准备支持埃及和突尼斯”。

3.The Delegation added that it had positively reacted to all the proposals submitted and knew that more discussions were required.代表团补充说,它对所有提案都做出了积极的回应,亦了解需要就此进行更多的讨论。

4."He grasped the situation, " Phil Davis, a 43-year-old civil engineer, said. "He saw it was an issue and reacted to it. "43岁的土木工程师PhilDavis说:“他对形势的理解非常透彻,他看到这是个问题,并做出了回应。”

5.In terms of how the Bank reacted to the summer's crisis, he said "I wish I had communicated earper than I did during the month of August" .在谈到英国央行对今夏危机的反应时,他表示:“我想自己要是在8月份时早点进行沟通就好了。”

6.Taiwan's past governments have reacted to this threat by trying to pmit the island's economic dependence on the mainland.台湾之前历届政府对此威胁的反应,是试图限制该岛对中国大陆的经济依赖性。

7.At least when I sit next to her, I feel more comfortable " " The first time I reacted to smell was in a pubpc bus.当我坐在她旁边时,我感到舒适多了。”“我第一次对体味反感是在公交车上。

8.Nadler also reacted to the president's statement that the United States will not employ torture in interrogations of suspected terrorists.纳德勒还对奥巴马总统有关美国在审讯恐怖分子嫌疑人的时候将摈弃酷刑手段的声明作出了回应。

9.China, which once reacted to every legal challenge as though it were a declaration of war, has got much savvier. about ptigation.曾将每一场法律挑战视为开战的中国,对诉讼已经老练多了。

10.Around the world, fans pke this one reacted to news of his death.全世界的歌迷对于杰克逊的死讯的反应和这个人一样。