



美式发音: [spæŋk] 英式发音: [spæŋk]




第三人称单数:spanks  现在分词:spanking  过去式:spanked  同义词



v.1.(用巴掌,拖鞋等)打(屁股等)2.赶...前进,催打3.(在比赛中)击败4.(马,船等)飞跑,急驶 (along)1.(用巴掌,拖鞋等)打(屁股等)2.赶...前进,催打3.(在比赛中)击败4.(马,船等)飞跑,急驶 (along)


v.1.to hit someone, especially a child, on their bottomthe part of the body they sit on with the palm of your hand

1.打屁股 ... Spanish, 西班牙人 Spanked, 打屁股 Speculum, 观察镜(扩阴) ...

2.拍击 ... Boo: 做嘘声 spanked拍击(疾驶)【两人相撞】 break: 破坏 ...


1.My high school boyfriend spanked me with a coat hanger that he'd twisted into a paddle shape.我的高中男友用衣架扭出了桨的形状来抽我。

2.He tied her to a bed, forced her to perform several extreme sexual acts, and then spanked her.他把她绑在床上,强迫她跟他无所不用其极地干了好几回,还扇了她的屁股。

3.stop exaggerating, girl It has only begun You know you have to get spanked much more!停止夸张,女孩它才刚刚开始,你知道,你就得非常多!

4.Authority say that a man claiming to be a first-grader's uncle came into the school and spanked the boy for unruly behavior in class.官方说一名自称是一年级某学生叔叔的男人进学校后打了一名男孩,因为他在课上不遵守规律的表现。

5.If they do not get spanked by parents, the child will be less pkely to hit when upset with their peers.如果没有挨过打,那么当与同伴起争执时,就不大可能去攻击同伴。

6.If you were spanked often as a child, you'll pkely resort to misbehaving even more, but you'll learn how to do it without getting caught.如果你在童年时期经常被打耳光,你的不良行为会更多。但是你会学会怎样能不被抓到。

7.With admiration, the donkey ran to his master and wagged his tail in front of his master. "Bang! " The master's face was spanked.驴子好羡慕,也蹦蹦跳跳地跑到主人面前耍起了尾巴,“啪!”主人脸上挨了一下。

8.A patent search turned up a device used for initiation rites dating back as far as 1900 that shocked and spanked its user.经过搜寻后,我发现早在1900年,就有一项专利装置是藉由电击和打屁股让使用者养成某种习惯。

9.Even if children stop tantrums when spanked, that doesn't mean they get why they shouldn't have been acting up in the first place.即使小孩在被打了之后立即变乖,不代表孩子知道自己在一开始时做错了什麽事。

10.According to a US study , Fathers who were spanked as children to spank their own children less than mothers who were spanked while young .美国一项最新研究表明,小时候挨过打的爸爸更舍不得打自己的孩子,而有此遭遇的妈妈打孩子可能性更大。