


美式发音: [ˌɪntərˈseptər] 英式发音: [ˌɪntə(r)ˈseptə(r)]






1.截击机a fast miptary plane that attacks enemy planes that are carrying bombs


n.1.a small fast miptary aircraft that is designed to stop enemy aircraft from attacking

na.1.The variant of intercepter

1.拦截器 intelpgence system 情报系统 interceptor 截击机 intercept receiver 侦察接收机,侦听接收机 ...

5.黑暗终结者 截击导弹 interceptor;interception missile 截流 dam;the damming of ...


1.Like the standard TIE, the interceptor has a ball-shaped single-pilot cockpit suspended between a pair of bracing arms.跟标准的TIE战斗机一样,截击机的球形单人驾驶舱悬挂在一对支撑臂中间。

2.The interceptor processes the method invocation request by checking if the user trying to access the method has appropriate access rights.拦截器将检查试图访问方法的用户是否具有相应的访问权,从而处理方法调用请求。

3.For now, suffice it to say that an instance interceptor creates a proxy to filter incoming calls directed at the intercepted instance.现在,一句话说明,实例侦听器创建一个代理来筛选针对已截获实例传入的调用。

4.At this point, our interceptor will prevent any cycles being spent on gathering data or rendering a view if nothing has changed.这里,如果什么也没改变,我们的拦截器将阻止任何搜集数据或展现view的开销。

5.The interceptor missile must be very very fast as it need to catch the target missile in mid course.拦截导弹必须非常的快,因为它要把目标导弹拦截在中段期间。

6.China did not release details of the test, but said it involved a missile interceptor.中国没有发布试验的详细情况,只是说,这次试验涉及到一种导弹拦截器。

7.The method call passes the invocation up the stack, either to the final target or possibly to the next interceptor.方法调用一直沿着栈传递调用,可能传递到最终目标,或到下一个截取程序。

8.It was also too far from the interceptor base in Poland to be viable.此外,它距离位于波兰的截击机基地也太远,不可行。

9.The message interceptor gateway pattern is commonly used to handle Web service invocations between Internet and intranet environments.消息拦截器网关模式常用来处理Internet和Intranet环境之间的Web服务调用。

10.The seeker provides infrared imagery of the targeted warhead to the missile to guide the interceptor to its target.寻的器提供被攻击导弹的战斗部的红外成像,引导拦截弹攻击目标。