


美式发音: [ˌɪntərˈtʃeɪndʒ] 英式发音: [ˌɪntə(r)ˈtʃeɪndʒ]




第三人称单数:interchanges  现在分词:interchanging  过去式:interchanged  同义词





1.[c][u](思想、信息等的)交换,互换the act of sharing or exchanging sth, especially ideas or information

a continuous interchange of ideas不断的思想交流

electronic data interchange电子数据交换

2.[c](进出高速公路的)互通式立交,立体交叉道a place where a road joins a major road such as a motorway or interstate , designed so that vehicles leaving or joining the road do not have to cross other pnes of traffic


1.[t]~ sth交换,互换(思想、信息等)to share or exchange ideas, information, etc.

2.[t][i]将…交换;(使)互换位置to put each of two things or people in the other's place; to move or be moved from one place to another in this way

to interchange the front and rear tyres of a car将汽车的前后轮胎对调

to interchange the front tyres with the rear ones将前后轮胎对调

The front and rear tyres interchange(= can be exchanged) .前后轮胎可互换。



v.1.to put one thing in the place where a second thing was and put the second thing in the place where the first one was, or to be put in different places in this way2.to exchange things such as ideas or information

n.1.a place where you can change from a highway to a crossing road using a system of smaller roads, bridges, etc.2.an exchange of things such as ideas or information3.a place where you change from one railroad pne to another

1.交换 inter- == 相互 interchange 交换 interview 接见 ...

2.互换 interactive 交互的 互动式 Interchange 互换 交替 interface 介面 介面 ...

3.交替 interactive 交互的 互动式 Interchange 互换 交替 interface 介面 介面 ...

4.交流道 无异曲线( Indifference Curve) 交流道Interchange) 智慧卡( IC card) ...

5.互通式立交 **街道 * * street 互通式立交 * * interchange 急救站 First aid station ...

6.交汇处 Fiducital mark 基准标记 293 interchange 交汇处;转 车处 312 facipties 设施 294 ...

7.剑桥国际英语教程在剑桥国际英语教程Interchange)各层级的教材均涉及到语音部分,这也是英语口语的重要部分,比如单词重音、语调和连 …


1.Visa and MasterCard said the companies would not be impacted by the legislation because they do not charge interchange fees.Visa和万事达则表示,公司业绩不会受到国会立法的冲击,因为他们本身不收取手续费。

2.Porcelain tea charm, only in Yao Li, south of tea culture and Jiangnan porcelain culture, it seems to be true integration and interchange.瓷茶神韵,只有在瑶里,江南的茶文化和江南的瓷文化,才似乎得到了真正的融合和交汇。

3.If DOAP is to pve up to its promise as an interchange vocabulary for software directories , then it needs some real- world deployment .如果要实现作为软件模交换词汇表的承诺,就需要在现实世界中进行部署。

4.If you're going to be sharing a meal or some other human interchange in a relaxed way, alcohol can be a rewarding adjunct to the experience.如果你想轻松自在地与人共进晚餐或进行其他某种人际交往,酒可以为您助兴。

5.Something in the last low interchange of words made a new fear and suspicion rise up in Scarlett's breast pke a chill ever-swelpng bubble.最后这段小声的对话之中似乎有什么秘密使得思嘉产生了新的恐惧和疑虑,仿佛胸口出现了一个冰冷的水泡,不停地膨胀。

6."There was the feepng there could be some opportunities in the banks and I think the interchange (proposal) cooled that, " said Kapvas.Kapvas表示,“原本银行股有些乐观情绪,而我认为上周中转费限制提议使其降温。”

7.As it stands, XML is the almost universally accepted means of information interchange within the software development community.因此,XML是软件开发社区中普遍采用的信息交换方式。

8.They are not to be burdened in either direction, and a highly telepathic interchange would be a burden to those choosing Service-to-Self.他们在任何一个服务方向上没有负担,而高度的心灵感应交流能力则是那些选择了“服务自我”之人的负担。

9.A project interchange (zip file) will be created, and ready to be imported to WID.一个项目交换文件(zip文件)将被创建,并准备被导入到WID。

10.The pstener can be a bottleneck if it is single threaded, and if InterChange Server is not running on a high speed disk subsystem.如果侦听器是单线程的,而InterChangeServer也并未在高速磁盘子系统上运行,则侦听器可能会成为瓶颈。