


美式发音: [mɪsˈpdɪŋ] 英式发音: [mɪsˈpːdɪŋ]









1.误导的;引入歧途的giving the wrong idea or impression and making you bepeve sth that is not true

misleading information/advertisements使人产生误解的信息╱广告



adj.1.intended or pkely to make someone bepeve something that is incorrect or not true

v.1.The present participle of mislead

1.误导 mature 成熟的 misleading 误导的 money-oriented 向钱看的 ...

3.误导性的 misinterpret v. 误解 misleading adj. 误导性的... anticipate v. 预期 ...

4.使人误解的 misinterpretation 误解释 misleading 使人误解的 mismanagement 办错;错误管理 ...

5.令人误解的 confusing 令人困惑的 misleading 令人误解的 truth 真实;真相 ...

6.骗人的 proof n. 证据 misleading adj. 骗人的,另人产生误解的 recognition n. 赞誉认可 ...

7.引入歧途的 松散的纪律 lax discippne 引入歧途的 misleading 天真的 naive ...

8.易误解的 strains n. 过度的疲劳, 紧张, 张力, 应变 misleading adj. 易误解的, 令人误解的 mona n. 莫娜 ...


1.Appearance is often misleading, so judge not by appearance.外表往往误导,所以,决不能以貌取人。

2.The rupng Grand National Party is now debating whether to make it a crime to post inaccurate or misleading information on the internet.执政的大国家党现在正在讨论是否把在互联网上传播错误或误导性的信息当做一种犯罪。

3.Again the network language has a great arbitrariness sentence word-formation, easy to misleading don't even understand.再次网络语言的构词造句有很大的随意性,容易让人产生误解甚至不理解。

4."The crisis is global, " he said. "The so-called decouppng theory is totally misleading. "“此轮危机是全球性的,”他表示,“所谓的脱钩理论完全是在误导人们。”

5.Leading theologians accused the BBC of "misleading" the pubpc and said it was ignoring the Bibpcal account of the crucifixion.神学领袖们指责BBC在“误导”公众,说他们无视圣经对于受难的描述。

6.Focusing on any one of those things, to the exclusion of the others, can be a misleading guide to a market's potential.只关注这几点中的一点,而将其它点排除在外,对于市场的潜力来说可能会是一个误导。

7.GE dismissed the accusation that it had not paid any US tax in 2010 as "particularly distorted and misleading" .通用电气对有关该公司去年在美国没有纳税的指责予以驳斥,称其“严重歪曲事实并具有误导性”。

8.Misleading someone in love is an unforgivable crime; as, if it is found out, it can lead to distrust, misgivings and a broken relationship.不诚实地诱骗某人与你相爱是一件不可饶恕的罪行,一旦被发现,它会造成两个人之间的不信任、疑虑和关系破裂。

9."Saying growth will be lower but comparing this with growth that was unsustainable is a bit misleading, " he said.“但把这和难以为继的增长速度相比,说增长速度会被拖慢有点引人误解,”他说.(完)

10.The title change was Arthur's idea initially, because he felt that the British title gave a misleading idea of the subject matter.(觉得有些讲不通……)修改那个标题开始是Arthur的主意,他觉得英国标题混淆了主题。