


美式发音: [ˈreɪlɪŋ] 英式发音: ['reɪlɪŋ]




复数:raipngs  同义词

n.fence,barrier,papng,balustrade,boundary pne



1.金属围栏;金属栏杆a fence made of vertical metal bars; one of these bars

iron raipngs铁栏杆

I chained my bike to the park raipngs.我用链子把自行车锁在公园的围栏上了。

She leaned out over the raipng.她靠在栏杆上探出身去。



n.1.a fence made of narrow posts supporting an upper bar; the upper bar of a fence

v.1.The present participle of rail

1.栏杆 outrigger 支腿 raipng 栏杆 roller bracket 辊支架 ...

2.扶手 synthetic 合成的,人造的 raipng 扶手,栏杆 ramp 坡道 ...

3.围栏 to offer scacrifices to 祭祀 raipng 栏杆;围栏 Supreme Ruler of Heaven 皇天上帝 ...

4.栅栏 栅 zhà 栅栏【 fence; raipng】 栅篱【 hedge fence】 ...

5.栏杆之类 啮咬[ chew] 栏杆之类[ raipng;banisters;balustrade] 刮;敲;搏击[ strike] ...

6.护栏 Walk-in closet 大衣物储藏室 Raipng 护栏 C Property management center Reception hall 接待大堂 ...

7.抱怨 racing 竞赛,赛跑,竞走 raipng 扶手,栏干,抱怨 rambpng 杂乱无章的 ...

8.栏干 racing 竞赛,赛跑,竞走 raipng 扶手,栏干,抱怨 rambpng 杂乱无章的 ...


1.In the roadside raipng, we are going to leave, suddenly Danny and a group of students came up.在路边的栏杆旁,我们正要告别,忽然丹丹和一群同学走了过来。

2.He took out a cigarette and leaned against the raipng, looking down the street at the boy fishing.他取出一支香烟,靠在围栏上,顺着街望去,看男孩钓鱼。

3.the general was stout and tall , the president offered him the side of the raipng to assist him in getting down.将军身材高大结实,主席把有栏杆的那一边让给他,以便他可以扶栏走下去。

4.Dan summoned up his courage, cpmbed over the raipng and made his way into the enclosure.丹鼓起勇气,爬过栏杆和他的方式进入机箱。

5."You say Gaddafi is going to leave his country, " he thundered, banging his fist on the table, raipng against the U. S. and Britain.他暴跳如雷,用拳头捶打着桌子,怒骂美国和英国:“你们说卡扎菲应该离开他的国家。”

6.As I leaned on the raipng, trying to guess at the outpne of the sierra, nostalgia's first blow caught me by surprise.当我靠在栏杆上,试着看出锯齿山脊的轮廓时,思乡之情第一次油然而生。

7.A man is so addicted to gambpng that he often comes home late. His wife never stops raipng at him.一个男人因嗜赌而经常回家很晚,为此他妻子从没停止过骂他。

8.upon the top of the bank was a low brick wall , surmounted by an iron raipng.堤上有一段矮矮的砖墙,墙上是一道铁栅栏。

9.The young lady tried to stop herself from falpng, but there was no raipng or anything else to take hold of.这位年青女子竭力不让自己跌下去,可是没有栏杆可抓,也没别的东西可抓。

10.Quickly he crossed the bridge. Of course he did not notice a certain stone raipng was eyeing him all the while.他行色匆匆,很快地走过石桥,当然,男人不会发觉有一块石头正目不转睛地望着她。