


美式发音: [ˌɪntərˈtʃeɪndʒəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌɪntə(r)ˈtʃeɪndʒəb(ə)l]





adj.identical,the same,similar,compatible,transposable



1.可交换的;可互换的;可交替的that can be exchanged, especially without affecting the way in which sth works

The two words are virtually interchangeable(= have almost the same meaning) .这两个词大体上可以通用。

The V8 engines are all interchangeable with each other.V8 型的发动机都可以相互替换。


adj.1.if two things are interchangeable, you can put each one of them in the place where the other was, or you can use one instead of the other, and the effect will be the same

1.可互换的 interaction 相互影响 interchangeable 可互换的 interlude (活动间的)休息 ...

2.可交换的 boundary 分界线,边界 interchangeable 可交换的;可互换的 measurement 衡量,测量 ...

3.可更换 Interactive function 交互式功能 Interchangeable 可更换 Internal focusing 内调焦 ...

4.互换性法,诉讼法和刑法是相对立的.作为文明国家的私法具有互换性(interchangeable),而公法却没有.因此,严格的属地主义是不符合 …

5.可替换相反,工作的集体与可替换interchangeable)的特性,只要摆脱了资本主义生产关系,便使社会主义的合作式劳动过程,成 …


1.By talking as if capital punishment is murdering human beings are interchangeable here, you're actually begging the question aren't you?如果说死刑和,和谋杀是两个可以互换的概念,你们实际上是在求问题,不是吗?

2.That in turn influences how much land is planted to soyabeans, which for American farmers are interchangeable with maize.这又进而影响种植大豆的土地数量,对美国农民来说,种植玉米和大豆可以互换。

3.It would be wrong, they say, to see the two types of software as substitutes for another or as interchangeable.他们说,将两者视为可互相替代或者互相交换的想法都是错误的。

4.The parts of that car's engine are interchangeable with those of this one.那辆车的引擎零件,可与这辆车的互换。

5.Don't pke the new interchangeable grip. It feels pke a cheap piece of plastic toy.不喜欢新的互换握把,感觉像一个廉价的塑料玩具。

6.In antiquity, these two concepts were obviously similar enough to be interchangeable in understanding.在古代,这两个概念明显地相似,在理解上,足够地可替换。

7.The system attendant mailbox for each server is unique and is not interchangeable with the system attendant mailbox on other servers.每个服务器的系统助理邮箱都是唯一的,并且不能与其他服务器上的系统助理邮箱互相交换。

8.Another is that such a seemingly significant plot point as the identity of the invaders is actually as interchangeable as a MacGuffin.另外,如此一个似乎很重要的情节问题——入侵者身份,竟然如麦高芬般可随便置换。

9.The assumption that euro-zone government bonds were almost interchangeable and none could default steadily began to crumble.那种欧元区各国政府债几乎不存在差异且没有一个欧元区国家可能发生债务违约的假设不再成立。

10.Having such a close similarity or resemblance as to be essentially equal or interchangeable .可互换的十分类似或相象以至于本质上相等的或能互换的。