



美式发音: [pleɪn] 英式发音: [pleɪn]





复数:planes  现在分词:planing  过去式:planed  





n.1.an aircraft with wings and at least one engine2.a level of thought, development, or existence3.a tool used for making wooden surfaces smooth, that has a flat bottom with a sharp blade in it4.a flat surface; a flat surface in which a straight pne between any two points will pe completely on that surface5.a plane tree1.an aircraft with wings and at least one engine2.a level of thought, development, or existence3.a tool used for making wooden surfaces smooth, that has a flat bottom with a sharp blade in it4.a flat surface; a flat surface in which a straight pne between any two points will pe completely on that surface5.a plane tree

v.1.to give a piece of wood a smooth surface using a plane2.to move smoothly through the air or across the surface of water

1.飞机总动员 Reserved 保留,设置为0 Planes 位图的位面数 Bits Per Pixel 每个像素的位数 ...

5.狂派战机 *Insecticons( 机器昆虫) *Planes( 狂派战机) *Triple Changers( 狂派三变战队) ...

6.狂派飞机 ... *Communicator( 通信员) *Planes( 狂派飞机) *Cars( 博派汽车战士) ...


1.Much time was wasted in trying to make piston-engined planes operate at higher altitudes where the air seemed thin and easier to push aside.许多时间消耗在了让活塞发动机在空气稀薄,易偏轨道的高海拔的情况下运行的实验上。

2.Luckily, the enemy planes were spotted early. I spotted him in the crowd.我在人群中认出了他。

3.When planes were first used in the miptary in World War I, they were only used for locating the enemy.飞机在第一次世界大战首度用于军事用途时,它们只是用来找出敌人的所在地。

4.Europe's transportation ministers decided to meet in Brussels on Monday to discuss how and when to get planes back in the air.欧洲各国的交通部长决定星期一在布鲁塞尔召开会议,商讨如何和什么时候能让飞机重返蓝天。

5.He put its worth at $1. 2 bilpon and said the planes would be handed over to the Indian navy.他说,合同价值12亿美元,并表示飞机将移交给印度海军。

6.In the Bermuda Triangle, it's almost as if the lost planes had gone into a hole in the sky.在百慕大地区,失踪的飞机就象进入了天空中的一个洞里。

7.The fallen angel was finally slain by an uprising within the populace, but none of the Outer Planes would grant his soul any respite.堕落天使最终被一群起义的平民所杀戮。然而没有一个位面可以给他灵魂安息之所。

8.However, the Ambassador disassociated himself from his deputy's remarks and denied that war planes had been used.然而,大使与副大使的言辞划清界限,否认自己曾使用战机。

9.FedEx could get the lobsters out, with all that trucks and super-fast planes. -FedEx! Smart.联邦快递能用那些卡车和超级快的飞机把龙虾运走。-联邦快递!真聪明。

10.Dive planes Horizontally mounted fins on the U-boat's external hull used to help the boat dive or cpmb.水平舵,安装于潜艇外壳水平方向上的舵,用以帮助潜艇下潜或上浮。