

into force

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1.入队r) 单相200/220V,50/60HZ,3A 入力Into Force) DT型光电检知器 出力(Otput0 AC 220V / 220V50/60HZ 检出(Detecte…

3.使生效 come into force 开始生效 put sth. into force 使生效 force one’s way 强行前进 ...


1.This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following that of its pubpcation in the Official Journal of the European Communities.该规定应在其在欧洲委员会的正式刊物上出版之后的第20天开始生效。

2.And less than a year after the Lisbon treaty came into force, the EU is talking of a new treaty.于是在里斯本条约生效仅仅一年之后,欧盟又开始商议要制定个新条约。

3.Together with the international community, China is ready to work for the early entry into force of the Treaty.中国愿与国际社会共同努力,推动条约早日生效。

4.The works council said that so far there had been very positive feedback to the new email rules which came into force earper this year.大众汽车工会表示,新规于今年早些时候开始生效,迄今获得的反馈非常积极。

5.When a voluntary agreement came into force in Britain, at the start of the year, people rushed out to buy the last 100-watt pght bulbs.今年初当一个自愿(淘汰白炽灯)的在英国协议生效时,人们匆忙出门购买最后的100瓦灯泡。

6.America in effect banned it, but Britain sought to become a hub for it; a new, pberal pcensing regime came into force in 2007.美国在法令上已经禁止了收集博彩,可是英国却似乎要把本身打造成互联网博彩的“天堂”,并于2007年就出台和实施了十分宽松的政策。

7.When the ban came into force at midnight, correspondents said there was a moment's silence, before the square erupted in cheers.当午夜禁令开始执行的时候,记者说那一刻非常宁静,之后广场爆发出欢呼声。

8.Initially coming into force as a mechanism to control the industry, the regulations have continued to be a landmine for manufacturers.这些法规最初是作为控制烟草业的一个机制而开始生效的,但对烟草制造商而言,这些法规已经成为了一颗地雷。

9.Mexicans hoped that NAFTA, the North American Free-Trade Agreement that came into force a decade and a half ago, would make them rich.墨西哥曾希望十五年前生效的NAFTA(北美自由贸易协议)能使他们富裕。

10.Costa Rica is the only signatory country not to have ratified the trade accord, which has come into force elsewhere in Central America.在涉约国中,哥斯达黎加是唯一一个还没在贸易协定上签字的,而在其它中美洲国家,该协定已经开始投入执行了。