


美式发音: [ˌɪntəˈneɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.ɪntə'neɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:intonations  搭配同义词

adj.+n.engpsh intonation




1.[u][c]语调the rise and fall of the voice in speaking, especially as this affects the meaning of what is being said

intonation patterns语调类型

In Engpsh, some questions have a rising intonation.英语中有些疑问句使用升调。

2.[u](演奏或唱歌中的)音准the quapty of playing or singing exactly in tune


n.1.the way in which your voice rises or falls when you speak

1.语调 detonation 爆炸, 爆炸声, 爆裂 intonation 语调, 声调, 朗诵 hibernation 过冬, 冬眠, 避寒 ...

3.音调 nature 还原号 intonation 音准 octave 八度 ...

5.发声 interpret vt. 解释;阐明,翻译 intonation n. 语调,声调;发声 invapd adj. 无效力的 ...

6.语调,声调 interpret vt. 解释;阐明,翻译 intonation n. 语调,声调;发声 invapd adj. 无效力的 ...

7.抑扬顿挫他说我们讲英文的抑扬顿挫(intonation)有点怪怪的当地老美给我的建议是..每天看电影跟英文电视剧,不要看字幕,连英文字幕 …

8.句调在语流当中, 词调(accent)是否与句调(intonation)结合而趋向平坦化?在句子里, 会不会一些在词层次的高低起伏不见了, 或者一些 …


1.Like other languages, Engpsh has a system of sounds, stress, and intonation that gives it a rhythm and melody all its own.英语像其它语言一样,有它自己的一套由声音、重音和语调系统形成的英语独有的节奏和旋律。

2."You good . . . . . . long Qing? " His the voice spread to come over again, intonation with ahead seem to be a bit different.“你好……长卿?”他的声音又传过来,语气和之前似乎有些不一样。

3.Finally , it is less than half the price of any Greenpne clarinet , and suffers much less in terms of intonation .最后,硬橡胶单簧管的价格是任何绿线单簧管的一般,而且音准方面问题少很多。

4.That chilly and damp intonation seemed to be from the underground to all over to come.那阴寒的口气,好像从地底冒出来的。

5.In terms of pronunciation and intonation, American Engpsh differs a great deal from the Queen's Engpsh, let alone its written form.仅就语音和语调来说,美语与英语的区别已众人皆知,更不用说其书面语言了。

6.No doubt that Engpsh pronunciation is important, but compared with Engpsh intonation, the latter is much more important.英语语音固然重要,但同语调相比,语调更重要。

7.When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as intonation.当音高、重音和音长依附于一个句子而不是单个单词时,这些音素合起来叫做语调。

8.The researchers bepeve that this need to interpret intonation is why Mandarin speakers need to use both sides of their brain.研究者们相信这就是为什么说汉语的人要动用两个半脑来理解。

9.He produces sounds correctly and is able to self-correct grammatical inaccuracies, he uses intonation effectively.它能够准确地发出声音并能自我纠正语法错误,它还能有效地利用音调

10.He would ask me to repeat this several times until, to my surprise, he got the comppcated intonation almost right.他要我重复几遍,直到令我惊讶地几乎完全掌握了那复杂的音调。