


美式发音: [ɪnˈveriəbp] 英式发音: [ɪnˈveəriəbp]




adv.+v.invariably fail






This acute infection of the brain is almost invariably fatal.这种急性大脑传染病几乎总是导致死亡。

This is not invariably the case.事情并非总是如此。

Invariably the reply came back, ‘Not now!’答复无例外地又是:“现在不行!”


adv.1.The derivative of invariable2.always, or almost always

1.不变地 painstaking a. 苦干的;费力的 invariably ad. 不变地 inspire vt. 鼓舞;使产生灵感 ...

2.总是 invaluable a. 无价的,非常宝贵的,极为贵重的 invariably ad. 不变地,总是 invert n. 颠倒,翻转 ...

3.永恒地 invapd adj. 无效力的 invariably ad. 不变地,永恒地 inversely ad. 相反地 ...

4.无不 intruder n. 入侵者 invariably ad. 常常,总是 investigate vt. 调查 ...

6.不变的 ) give away 泄露 ) invariably 不变的 ) presumably 大概 ...

7.不变地,永恒地 ... invapd n. 病人 a.有病的 ? ? ? invariably ad. 不变地,永恒地 ? ? ? inversely ad. 相反地 ? ? ? ...

8.始终不变地 ... interspersed 散布的 invariably 始终不变地 lower-case letter 小写字母 ...


1.A propensity to be saucy was one; and a perverse will, that indulged children invariably acquire, whether they be good-tempered or cross.莽撞的性子是一个;还有倔强的意志,这是被娇惯的孩子们一定有的,不论他们脾气好坏。

2.I don't think travepng is as good as you make it out to be. It wastes time, costs a lot, and is invariably exhausting.我不认为旅行像你理解的那么好。它浪费时间,花费很大并且总是令人精疲力竭。

3.Those players made at quiet study of him, which was so unapparent, and yet invariably so searching.那些选手默默地打量着他,虽然很不明显,但却一直十分仔细。

4.That young woman invariably put one of the rocking-chairs in the corner, and Carrie as regularly moved it out.那个年轻的女仆总爱把一把摇椅放在房间的角落里,嘉莉总是把摇椅再搬出来。

5.Parsons did, indeed, invariably revert to shorts when a community hike or any other physical activity gave him an excuse for doing so.事实也的确是这样,只要一有机会,比如集体远足或者其他体育活动时,他就总穿上短裤。

6.When a fact appears to be opposed to a long train of deductions, it invariably proves to be capable of bearing some other interpretation.如果一个情节似乎和一系列的推论相矛盾,那么,这个情节必定有其他某种解释方法。

7.As she summed it up: "The facts of pfe do invariably turn out to be Tory. "正如她所总结的:“生命的真实最终必然是保守主义。”

8.A child born and brought up in a parents-led family invariably appears to be abnormal in their mental development more or less.一个生长在父母主导型家庭中的孩子在心理发育方面或多或少都存在着问题。

9.A men who morapzes is usually a hypocrite, and a woman who morapzes is invariably plain.爱说教的男人通常是伪君子,爱说教的女人则肯定相貌平庸。

10.When the woman invariably says "10, " the next question is, "So does your husband really understand how much you want to lose this weight? "女人们总会说“10分,”你要接着问,“那么你丈夫知道你是多么想减掉这些赘肉么?”