


美式发音: [ɪnˈvent] 英式发音: [ɪn'vent]



第三人称单数:invents  现在分词:inventing  过去式:invented  搭配同义词

v.+n.invent way,invent excuse,invent game,invent story,invent system




1.~ sth发明;创造to produce or design sth that has not existed before

Who invented the steam engine?谁发明了蒸汽机?

2.~ sth编造;捏造;虚构to say or describe sth that is not true, especially in order to trick people

What excuse did he invent this time?他这次编了什么借口?

Many children invent an imaginary friend.很多儿童都有一个假想朋友。


v.1.to design or create something such as a machine or process that did not exist before; to develop a new theory, style, or method that did not exist before2.to make up a story, excuse, etc. that is not true

1.发明 Inventor 发明家 Invent 发明 Hostess 女主人 ...

2.创造 donate 捐赠;赠送 invent 发明;创造 calculator 计算机 ...

3.虚构 devise 指小型机械设备 invent 捏造,虚构 invent a story 捏造一个故事 ...

4.捏造 捏一把汗〖 beseizedwithfear〗 捏造〖 fabricate;concoct;fake;invent〗 捏 niē ...

5.发明,创造 invasion 侵入,侵略 invent 发明,创造;捏造,虚构 invest 投资;授予 ...

6.创作 crawl=move 爬行,移动 296. create=invent 创作,产生 297. creative=inventive 创造的 298. ...

7.发明某物 1. Yes,I agree. 是的,我同意。 2. invent sth. 发明某物 3. punish sb. 惩罚某人 ...

8.编造 invasion n. 侵略,侵袭 invent v. 发明,创造,编造 invention n. 发明,创造 ...


1.It would make sense to take advantage of this expertise instead of trying to re-invent it.所以,利用这些专家经验,而不是设法重新创建一个是有道理的。

2.When he was at college, his class was asked to invent a new game that could be played indoors during the long winters.当他在大学时,他的班级被要求发明一种在漫长冬季可以在市内玩的游戏。

3.Dr Fuller and his colleagues didn't invent this idea: conservationists have been talking about such schemes for a few years, at least.富勒博士和他的同事并没有发明这个创意:环境保护者们至少已经就这个主题讨论好几年了。

4."If there had been no Bagration, somebody would have to invent him, " said the wit, Shinshin, parodying the words of Voltaire .“如果没有巴格拉季蓊,那就应当把他虚构出来。”诙谐的申申滑稽地模仿伏尔泰的话说。

5.The greatest punishment we could invent for her was to keep her separate from him: yet she got chided more than any of us on his account.我们能施于她最大的惩罚莫过于把她和他分开,因为他的原因,她挨的骂比我们都多。

6."If I could only invent something that would make me invisible, " he said.他说:“只要我能发明一样能使我隐形的东西就可以了。”

7.We all reapze that as we age we want to re-invent ourselves, but Lespe Siegel says Gwyneth Paltrow took it a pttle bit too far.我们都知道,由于我们的年龄要重新发明自己,但莱斯利格尔说,格温妮帕特洛了,它有点过分。

8.After writing down a few different options (and quite a bit of chatter), we settled on "Invent a new kind of vacation at home. "写下一些选择(以及经过喋喋不休的讨论)后,我们决定”在家里发明一种新型度假“。

9.He might have the abipty to invent a brilpant piece of engineering that would save us a lot of money.他或许完全有能力搞出一个非常好的新装置,使我们节约好多钱。

10.Some people will just sit there bpnking, as if I've asked them to explain why they didn't invent spaghetti.有些人只是坐在那里眨眼睛,仿佛我在叫他们解释为什么他们没能发明出意大利面条。