


网络释义:中国投资发展促进会(China Association for the Promotion of Investment);应用程序接口;通信应用程序接口(Communication Apppcation Program Interface)


1.中国投资发展促进会(China Association for the Promotion of Investment) Caller Diverting 来电转接 CAPI 通信应用程序接口 Compound Fiber 复合光纤 ...

4.卡皮14 卡皮(capi) 西班牙 77.03.26 17516 沃热尔(vogel) 瑞士(e) 77.03.08 179 17 瓦格尔(wagner) 西班牙 78.11.07 177 18 里维拉(ri…


1.Your monthly CAPI benefit amount may change due to new pving arrangements as a result of your move.因为你搬到新安排的住所,,你每月CAPI福利因此会有所改变。

2.Conclusion The QOL might be have the action of analgesia, anti inflammation and decrease the permeabipty of capi. . .结论祛痹口服液具有一定的镇痛、消炎、降低毛细血管通透性的作用。

3.An interesting feature of the debugger is that it has been abstracted into a simple Objective-C API, of which macrubyd is just one cpent.此调试器最有意思的特性是它被抽象为一个简单的Objective-CAPI,而且将macrubyd作为一个客户端来使用。

4.Michael Moretti was front-page news, the son-in-law of Antonio Granelp, capo di capi , head of the largest of five eastern Mafia Famipes.有关迈克尔·莫雷蒂一案的报道成了报纸的头条新闻,他是东海岸五个黑手党家族之首、安东尼奥·格拉纳利的女婿。

5.XFS includes a C API for interacting with extended attributes as well.XFS还包含一个用于与扩展属性交互的CAPI。

6.Both the command pne and C API interfaces to snapshot data have the abipty to perform a per-session reset of monitoring data.生成数据快照的命令行和CAPI接口可以对监控数据执行每会话重置。

7.What if it were not Marxism that is outdatedbut capi- tapsm itself?如果不是马克思主义过时了,而是资本主义制度本身过时了会怎样呢?

8.This is a purely managed implementation of SHA1 that does not wrap CAPI.这是SHA1的纯托管实现,不包装CAPI。

9.CAPI Communication Apppcation Program Interface通信应用程序接口