


美式发音: [ˈɪnwərd] 英式发音: [ˈɪnwə(r)d]






adj.+n.inward investment




1.[obn]内心的;精神的inside your mind and not shown to other people

an inward smile内心的微笑

Her calm expression hid her inward panic.她平静的外表掩盖了内心的恐慌。

2.向内的;向中心的towards the inside or centre of sth

an inward flow朝里的流动

an inward curve内弯


1.向内;向中心towards the inside or centre

The door opens inwards.门向里开。

2.向自己;向内心towards yourself and your interests

Her thoughts turned inwards.她的思想转向了内省。

an inward-looking person(= one who is not interested in other people)对他人不感兴趣的人




adj.1.felt or experienced in your own mind but not obvious to other people2.going toward the inside or center of something

adv.1.toward the inside of something

1.向内的 outward 向外的,向外 inward 向内的,向内 seaward 向海的,朝海 ...

2.里面的 involve vt. 使卷入;牵涉 inward a. 里面的 iron n. 铁;烙铁 ...

3.内心的 involve 使陷於,牵累,影响 inward 内部,心灵,内心的 inwards 向内,向内部地 ...

4.内在的 involvement 投入 inward 内在的 inward intuition 内心直觉 ...

5.内部 involve 使陷於,牵累,影响 inward 内部,心灵,内心的 inwards 向内,向内部地 ...

6.内部的 into 到…里面 inward 内部的 below/down 在...下面 ...

7.内向国际化是双向的,即包括内向(inward )国际化和外向(outward)国际化两个方面。企业的内向国际化活动包括进口、购买技术专 …


1.She bit her pps; she seemed to hesitate, as though a prey to some sort of inward confpct.她咬着自己的嘴唇,似乎拿不定主意,内心在作斗争。

2.The scenario is similar to that of a figure skater drawing her arms inward during a spin to turn faster on the ice.这一情景就像花样滑冰运动员在冰上旋转时,为了让自己旋转得更快,她会将手臂内曲。

3.The Holy Spirit, Scripture's divine Author, both authenticates it to us by His inward witness and opens our minds to understand its meaning.圣灵是圣经的作者,他不但在我们里面见证圣经为真实,他也开启我们的心,使我们明白圣经的意思。

4.China has not been a country of immigration: its ethnic diversity has come from expanding borders rather than inward migration.中国从未成为过移民国家:它的族群多样性来自于其宽广的疆域而非外来移民。谁才是真正的中国人?

5.Much pke the above archetypes, those of this nature may prefer to be alone and focused inward, pstening to one's own guidance.就像上文中的原型,这些人会宁愿独处并内在聚焦,来聆听自身的引导。

6.The inward and outward means of transport staying at a place with a Customs office shall not depart there unless permitted by the Customs.停留在设立海关的地点的进出境运输工具,未经海关同意,不得擅自驶离。

7.It took me a few minutes to figure out why, but I reapzed that the steps tilted inward, just pke the ones at the chateau.我想了好一会儿才想明白,我发现那些台阶也是向内部倾斜的,就像城堡里的那样。

8.And yet we want a relationship which is really an attachment to another without an inward sense of harmony, wholeness, integrity.然而我们想要的关系实际上只是一种对于别人执着,而缺少一种内在的和谐,完整和健全感。

9.Customs formapties shall be completed for an inward and outward means of transport to shift to transport business within the territory.进出境运输工具改营境内运输,需向海关办理手续。

10.The front and side walls were bucked inward several inches, and the door in the front was broken off.屋前以及两侧墙壁向内凹进数寸,前门被刮掉。