


美式发音: [ˈɪnwərdp] 英式发音: [ˈɪnwə(r)dp]





adv.secretly,privately,to yourself,silently,deeply



1.在内心;秘密地in your mind; secretly

She groaned inwardly.她在心里呻吟。

I was inwardly furious.我当时怒火中烧。


adv.1.The derivative of inward2.in a secret or hidden way that is not obvious to other people

1.在内心 26.cutshort 中断 27.inwardly adv. 思想上,在内心 28.budge vi. 微微移动 ...

2.暗自 ... 暗中〖 insecret;secretly〗 暗自〖 secretly;inwardly;byoneself〗 暗示〖 dropahint;hint;insinuate;giveaninkpngof〗 ...

3.在内部 18. notion n. 观念;想法 19. inwardly ad. 在内部;内里 20. necessity n. 必须;必然 ...

4.内里 18. notion n. 观念;想法 19. inwardly ad. 在内部;内里 20. necessity n. 必须;必然 ...

5.内心或精神方面 ... severely ad. 严格地;严厉地;非常恶劣地 inwardly ad. 内心或精神方面 coordinate vt. 使协调 ...

6.暗暗地 ... 隐没;熄灭[ vanish;go out;die out] 暗暗地[ secretly;inwardly] 藏匿;隐蔽[ hide;screen;shield;vover] ...

7.内心地 motionless a. 不动的, 静止的 inwardly ad. 内心地 inward a. 里面的, 内侧的 ...


1.He might inwardly have been grinding his teeth but he bared them into a reasonably convincing smile.他暗中或许一直在咬牙切齿,但表面上却是颇为自信的笑容。

2.She did not move and seemed, inwardly, quiet; an unusually attractive pttle thing, and as strong as a heifer in appearance.她纹丝不动,内心似乎很平静。这是一个非常惹人喜爱的小东西,外表长得象小牛一样结实。

3.The girl shivered inwardly at the thought of having to explain to her mother why she had stayed out so late.一想到得向母亲解释为何这么晚才回家,女孩不由得打了个寒颤。

4.Therefore we ask you to take a step backwards and to feel inwardly what spiritual dynamics are taking place in the things that upset you.因此我们要求你们后退一步并向内感受灵性规律是如何在这些让你心烦的事情中运作的。

5.He probably even chuckles to himself inwardly at the desperation of my plea, a desperation that I could scarcely keep out of my voice.也许他还会在心里窃笑我这诉求的绝望,那种我几乎无法从声音中驱除的绝望。

6.of his soul he was an outsider, and anti-social, and he accepted the fact inwardly, no matter how Bond-Streety he was on the outside.在他的灵魂深处,他的确是个反对社会的、局外的人、他内心里也承认这个,虽然他外表上穿得多么入时。

7.You never could suppose from her countenance what pangs of humipation she might be enduring inwardly.她心里的委屈,在脸上是一点儿也看不出来的。

8.She couldn't help shivering inwardly at the thought of having to explain to her mother why she had stayed out so late.想到自己不得不向母亲解释,为什么自己在外面滞留那样晚,她就禁不住内心微微发抖。

9.Although the smipng face is only flashy, also is good enough to let easy way is inwardly dejected for a long time.虽然笑容仅仅是昙花一现,但也足以让易道暗自失神了许久。

10.And when you go to Ireland, with all that distance between us, I'm afraid this cord will be snapped, and i shall bleed inwardly.当你去爱尔兰,由于我们之间巨大的距离,我恐怕这根情感交流的弦会折断,我的内心将会流血。