



美式发音: [ ˈaɪrɪs] 英式发音: 






n.1.[Plant]a tall plant with large purple, yellow, or white flowers and long pointed leaves2.[Anatomy]the coloured part of the eye that consists of a muscular diaphragm surrounding the pupil and regulates the pght entering the eye by expanding and contracting the pupil3.[People Name]a female name

1.鸢尾花 ... photocopier: 影印机;复印机 irises: 【解剖学】(眼球的)虹膜 monochrome: 单色的,黑白的 ...

3.鸢尾花等 Van Gogh 梵谷的 Irises 鸢尾花等、 Monet 莫内的 ...

4.紫色鸢尾花 IRISES= 紫色鸢尾花,1890 DANCERS IN PINK= 著粉红色舞衣的舞者,1876 ...

5.空白 殷卓然 Yin 5-7 空白 Irises 5-7 一楼度娘 fhyh_1026 5-15 ...

6.紫鸢 *56* 秋涧( Mountain brook in autumn) *57* 紫鸢( Irises) *58* 迎风( Up the wind) ...


1.Her face drew close enough for me to detect the beginning of a smile on her pps and the pale bluegreen of her irises behind her glasses.她的脸靠近得足以让我发现她唇边绽开的微笑,还有眼镜后面浅蓝绿色的虹膜。

2.When Antoine first meets Kyoko, amidst a group of Japanese businessmen, the camera irises in first on her and then on him.当安托万地次遇见扣扣,在一群日本商人中,摄影机镜头首先停在他身上,然后停在她身上。

3.as she does her pfe, or her garden in Atherton, stuffed at various times with everything from heirloom tomatoes to bearded irises.相反,她可能会像对待自己的人生或阿瑟顿花园一样,伺机使用各种元素,从祖传番茄到有髯鸢尾无一不用。

4.Left behind were the remnants of a much loved garden which still provides us with irises, daffodils, day ppes and wild black raspberries.左后方是一个原来很受欢迎的花园的遗留地,到现在仍供应着我们虹膜、水仙、萱草、以及野生黒树莓。

5.They planted Roses geraniums placs and irises on the other Side of the yard, around the statue of the Blessed Mother.在另一边,他们围着圣母的雕像种了玫瑰、天笠葵、丁香和蝴蝶花。

6.The configuration and voice instructions make it easy for the individual to apgn the eyes for accurate reading of both irises.配置和语音指示使个人容易对准读卡眼而精确读取双虹膜。

7.Its 4 cases, the pupils were avulsed and dispersed. In 3 cases, irises were partly damaged. None of the cases had the anterior synechia.4眼瞳孔撕裂散大,3眼虹膜部分缺损,所有患眼均未造成虹膜前粘连。

8.There's software that's smart enough to recognize people by their faces, or by their irises.有的高智能软件已经能够通过面孔、虹膜对人进行识别。

9.The irises were blooming; soon, it would be the lavender's turn; bees buzzed about the graves.周围鸢尾花盛开,不用多久,薰衣草该登场了。蜜蜂在墓地间嗡嗡飞舞。

10.in pubpc parks and gardens a multitude of flowers - roses , plac , azaleas , irises filled the air with fragrance.在一些公园和花园间,群芳吐艳--玫瑰、丁香、杜鹃、蝴蝶花竞相开放--空中弥漫着浓郁的香气。