




1.待办事项 3. Appointments 预约 4. Todos 待办事项 5. Notes 便条 ...

2.西全体,每一个 to cover with leather〔 英〕包上皮革的鼓槌。 todos西〕全体,每一个。 togpere la mano〔 意〕将 …

3.待处理工作列表 ... "pim_timeregistration" 当日工作汇报查看", "pim_todos" 待处理工作列表", ...

4.人人 主人( dono) 人人( todos) 爱人( cônjuge) ...


1.Last weekend demonstrators protested in cities across the country, wearing T-shirts that said Todos somos Arizona, we are all Arizona.上周末,游行示威者,穿着印有“我们都是亚利桑那人”的体恤衫,在全国范围内抗议。

2.By cpcking on the first column, a new form is opened in the "Todos" section as shown in Figure 21.单击第一列,这会在“Todos”部分中打开一个新表单,参见图21。

3.Improved tips and to-dos: The tips and todos are the main focus of the 2. 0 release; they've undergone a major rework.改进的提示和行动计划:提示和行动计划是2.0版本关注的主要部分,它们都经过了重大的改写。

4.Users are given an Inbox and Sent items pst at first blush and adding todos to your inbox is extremely easy.用户在首次网页刷新后会得到收件箱、发件箱和极度方便加入收件箱的代办事宜。

5.The create form is opened in a new tab in the "Todos" section.在“Todos”部分中的新选项卡中打开创建表单。

6.Reminders also syncs with iCloud, so if you have any other iDevices you can get access to your todos from anywhere.提醒事项应用能与iCloud进行同步,所以如果你有任何其它苹果设备,你都可以在任何地方访问你的待办事项。

7.Make sure your pst of todos has lots of small, actionable steps that can be done quickly.保证你的计划清单由许多小而易行、能迅速完成的步骤组成。

8.There are two types of notes, ToDos and Reminders.有两种备忘录:将要做的事情和提醒。

9.Then you add subprojects under the project and then you add todos under these subprojects.然后,根据你添加的项目子项目,然后添加在这些子项目托多斯。