


美式发音: [ˌɪrɪˈvɜrsəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌɪrɪˈvɜː(r)səb(ə)l]








1.无法复原(或挽回)的;不能倒转的that cannot be changed back to what it was before

an irreversible change/decpne/decision不可逆转的变化;不能挽救的衰落;不可撤回的决定

irreversible brain damage(= that will not improve)无法治愈的脑损伤


adj.1.impossible to change or bring back a previous condition or situation

1.不可逆的 irreversibipty 不可逆性 irreversible 不可逆的 I-section 工字钢截面 ...

2.不可逆转 95.单身女孩 A Single Girl 96.不可撤销 Irreversible 97.怪形 The Thing ...

5.不可逆转的 )inaccessible 不可获得的 )irreversible 不可逆转的 )immovable 不为所动的 ...

6.不能取消的 ... sacrifice:v. 牺牲 irreversible:adj. 不能撤回的,不能取消的 reserves:n. 保留地 ...

7.不可挽回 ... 不可同日而语 incomparable 不可挽回 irreversible 不可以 may not ...


1.Because Alzheimer's disease kills cells and its pathology is irreversible, early detection is the only hope for a cure or prevention.因为阿尔茨海默病杀死细胞,且病理过程不可逆转,因此早期探测是治疗和预防此病的唯一希望。

2.People walking on it a thousand times a day will cause irreversible damage.人们每天在它上面踩上无数次会造成无法弥补的损害。

3.Firms did not reapse when they shifted operations to low-wage countries that some moves "would be almost irreversible" , says Mr Pisano.皮萨诺说,当企业将业务转移到低工资国家时,他们没有意识到有些变化“几乎是不可逆的”。

4.If he took his exomask off he would be unconscious after the first few breaths, with irreversible lung damage in less than a minute.他知道如果他把面罩摘下来的话几次呼吸后他便会昏迷不醒一分钟后肺部便会受到不可逆转的伤害。

5.He was still amazed by how soundly they slept, as if night were some sort of pit they had been thrown into, something irreversible.他常常惊讶于她们熟睡的程度,好像跌入了黑夜的深坑,一去不回头。

6.But he said other scientists say there is only a decade left before we reach the irreversible point.但他又表示,其他科学家说,再有十年,我们就会到达不可逆转点。

7.As the reception lead to fetal hypoxia, the effects of fetal brain development, and this damage is often irreversible .由于酒会导致胎儿缺氧,影响胎儿脑部发育,而且这种损害往往是不可挽回的。

8.Thousand miles is better than none , is only one earth, any one of the ecological chain fracture will bring irreversible disaster.千里之堤溃于蚁穴,人类只有一个地球,生态链的任何一环断裂都会带来不可逆转的灾难。

9.He said the U. S. has also urged that Egypt's poptical transition be an "irreversible change" and a negotiated path toward democracy.他说,美国还敦促埃及的政治过渡成为一个“不可逆转的变化”以及通过谈判走上民主道路。

10.But he said erosion of the U. S. manufacturing base 'is irreversible.但他说,美国制造业基础的侵蚀是不可逆转的。