




1.是如何. ... I shall illustrate 我将说明 is how 是如何 is interwoven 交织 ...


1.I've had more than a few complaints about how much work it is, how hard it is, how boring it is.他们总会抱怨:我有多少工作,这么作是多么难,这是多么无聊。

2.What is not so clear, however, is how much difference any undervaluation has made to China's surpluses.然而,汇率低估对中国盈余状况有多大影响,则不那么清晰。

3.Yes, it is. How pleasant it would be if the air in Shenzhen is always pke this!是啊,非常清新。深圳的空气一直是这样该多好哇!

4.If it's out of your control, why fret about it? Concentrating on things you can control is how you make good things happen.如果某件事你控制不了,那为什么还要为它而烦恼呢?专注你能控制的事情,把它做好。

5.At issue is how much and what kind of growth.现在的问题是怎样来发展,以及代价几何。

6.And all day long all I could think about is how I used a technicapty in the law to help a murderer walk away a free man.我一整天都想我是如何使用法律这个利器,让一个杀人犯重获自由。

7.'The will of the people will prevail in the end, ' this person said. 'But the question is how much blood must be shed in the process. '这位居民说,人民的意志最终将占上风,但问题是在这个过程中到底要流多少血。

8.This is how much I bepeve in the power of the new techniques that I am teaching that nobody else knows about.因为如果你对课程不满意,可以要求退款!由此可见我对所教授的这种世人未知的新技术充满信心。

9.And one part of that benefit is how much longer you think this program is going to be active.其中有一点就是你认为这个设计会在多长时间内有效。

10.Perhaps more impressive is how much the quake shifted Earth's axis.也许更令人印象深刻的是地震使地轴偏移了多少。