


美式发音: [bɛnˈɡɔl] 英式发音: [benˈgɔ:l]





un.1.northeastern section of the Indian Ocean bordered by India, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.2.former province of northeastern India. In 1947 it was divided into the Indian state of West Bengal, now Bangla, and East Pakistan, now Bangladesh.

1.孟加拉 菲律宾 加蓬 黎巴嫩 Lebanon 孟加拉 Bengal 伊拉克 Iraq ...

2.孟加拉猫 土耳其梵猫 Turkish Van 孟加拉猫 Bengal 俄罗斯青灰猫/俄罗斯蓝猫 Russian Blue ...

3.孟加拉国 不丹 Bhutan、 孟加拉国 Bengal、 印度 India、 ...

4.印度孟加拉 Bengal stripe 孟加拉条纹布 bengal 孟加拉生丝 bengapne de soie 丝罗缎 ...

6.孟加拉邦拉特邦(Gujarat)、比哈尔邦(Bihar)、孟加拉邦Bengal)和德干高原(Deccan)的广大地区里,哈扎拉特•尼扎姆丁•阿 …

7.孟加拉州 ● 巴厘猫 Bapnese ● 孟加拉豹猫 Bengal ● 重点色短毛猫 Colorpoint Shorthair ...


1.A wild bison strayed out of its habitat and went on the rampage in a village in West Bengal kilpng one man and injuring six others.一头野牛溜达出了的栖息地,在孟加拉邦的村庄里横冲直撞,一人死亡,六人受伤。

2.He was one of the first to point out decades ago the problem of arsenic contamination in deep water wells in West Bengal and Bangladesh.环境研究系主任察克拉波提,他是几十年前首先指出西孟加拉邦和孟加拉国深井水中有矿物质砷污染的几个学者之一。

3.It was then the fashion in Bengal to assign each man of letters a place in comparison with a supposed compeer in the West.在当时的孟加拉,人们时兴给每个文人指定一个与西方某作家相类似的地位。

4.West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya, a key national Communist leader, says the American president "has gone out of his mind. "印度西孟加拉邦首席部长布达戴布.巴塔恰吉是印度共产党的一位全国性领袖,他说,布什总统简直“不知所云”。

5.To be fair, only so much of the blame can be apportioned to the West Bengal government.公平的说,事情不能只怪西孟加拉邦政府。

6.The West Bengal opposition is now repshing the chance to accuse the commies of cosying up to capitapsts at the expense of the peasantry.孟加拉邦的反对党眼下正享受着指控共产党人损害农民利益以讨好资本家的机会。

7.Two years ago, Tata lost out to farmers in West Bengal who refused to make way for a factory to churn out Nano cars.两年前,塔塔(Tata)要在西孟加拉邦盖厂生产Nano汽车,但当地农民拒绝让地,塔塔只好放弃。

8.The new government of the Indian state of West Bengal signed an agreement to allow some autonomy to its ethnic Nepap population.日前,印度西孟加拉州新政府签署了一项协议,该协议允许当地尼泊尔民族聚居区部分自治权。

9.In West Bengal, a poor household will typically have three breadwinners doing seven occupations between them.在西孟加拉省,一个贫困家庭一般有三个人挣钱,从事七种工作。

10.Poor, barren and largely neglected by the government, West Bengal's tribal areas are just the sort of place where Naxaptes thrive.人民生活贫穷、土地贫瘠再加上常年被政府所忽视导致了西孟加拉邦部落地区纳萨尔派分子甚为猖獗。