




1.明天 math 数学 tommorow 明天 homework 作业 ...


1.When they were at Roses house he asked her if he could come over tommorow and she said sure.当他们在玫瑰房子,他问她,如果他能来,她说,明天肯定。

2.eg. Many financial forecasts are highly speculative because no one really knows what might happen tommorow to affect the money markets.许多的财经预测都有很强的推测性因为没有人真正知道明天将发生什么事情而影响到金融市场。

3."If I could wish upon tommorow, Tonight would never end. " ~You Can.如果我有愿望可以实现,今晚永远都不会结束。

4.It really doesn't matter at all, because we are so young. And when tommorow comes, we'll just do it all again.放轻松,实在没有什么是大不了的,因为我们还年轻,到了明天,再重新做一次就可以了。就是这样简单。

5.Tommorow will I find the sun?明天太阳是否会升起?

6.Wiil you attend the investigation tommorow?您愿意参加明天的考察活动吗?

7.Come away with me tommorow.明天和我一起离开。

8.P: Thank you! See you tommorow.病人:谢谢!明天见!

9.Tourists will go abroad tommorow.游客们明天出国。

10.hallo , you will come tommorow evening about 8o'clock to my apartment. ok?你好,你明天晚上8点左右过来可以吗?