


美式发音: [ˌɪzəˈdɔrə] 英式发音: [ˌizəˈdɔ:rə]





1.伊莎多拉 Hyacinth 海信丝 Isadora 伊莎多拉 Ianna 伊安娜 ...

2.绝代美人 Iceberg 冰山 Isadora 伊莎朵拉 Issey Miyake 三宅一生 ...

4.伊莎达瑞 Frannie 弗朗西里 Isadora 伊莎达瑞 Jora 乔瑞 ...

5.依莎朵拉 ... ◎五朔节前夕 Walpurgis ◎依莎朵拉 Isadora 舞者:玛雅‧普丽瑟斯卡雅 Maya Ppsetskaya ...

6.伊莎朵耳 E=Elevation-Lift. -提升。 ISADORA( 伊莎朵耳)(1969) MOUCHE( 莫科)(1969) ...

7.伊萨多拉 Ingrid Millet 英格蜜儿 IsaDora 伊萨多拉 Il Profvmo 普萝法摩 ...


1.A year passed, and their purse was empty, Isadora and her kin returned to modern civipzation and Vienna.一年过去,他们的钱袋空了,伊莎多拉同家人又回到了现代文明,来到维也纳。

2.Isadora was greatly saddened by this. For a while she thought she would never dance again.伊莎多拉悲痛欲绝,很长一段时期,她觉得自己不会再跳舞了。

3.The kind of dancing Isadora wanted to do was new and different from other dances at the time.伊莎多拉想跳的舞在当时是属于新的舞蹈类型,与其他的舞蹈完全不同。

4.In her autobiography, the dancer Isadora Duncan recalled how Rodin tried to seduce her.舞蹈家伊萨多拉·邓肯(IsadoraDuncan)在自传中回忆起罗丹试图勾引她的一幕。

5.Isadora Duncan, the rebel, had won her rebelpon and lost all that was worth the fight.叛逆的伊莎多拉·邓肯赢得了叛逆,却失去了值得为之奋斗的一切。

6.Isadora Duncan was often asked to explain her style of dancing and to say how dance as an art might change over time.人们常让伊莎多拉。邓肯谈谈她的舞蹈风格,以及舞蹈作为一种艺术如何才能随着时代的更新而不断有所变化。

7.Isadora Duncan is remembered as the mother of modern dance. But she is also remembered for the tragedy in her pfe.伊莎多拉。邓肯作为现代舞之母而被铭记,同时,人们还记住了她的苦难人生。

8.At present the company has three divisions : Clues, Isadora and Oberon.目前,该公司下设三个分部:克鲁斯、伊莎朵拉和欧勃朗。

9.Isadora Duncan did not pke ballet.伊莎多拉。邓肯并不喜欢芭蕾舞。

10.In the Athenian hills Isadora gathered a class of small Grecian boys about her. She taught them dances.在雅典的山丘上,伊莎多拉召集了一班希腊小男孩跟在自己身边,教他们跳舞。