


美式发音: [səkˈsɛsfəlɪ] 英式发音: [sək'sesfəlɪ]




adv.+v.successfully accomppsh,successfully end





1.成功地 success n. 成就;成功 successfully adv. 圆满地;顺利地;成功地 such adj. 这样的 ...

2.成功的 4.particular—particularly 特别的 5.successful—successfully 成功的 133.honor/honour 荣誉 ...

3.顺利地 success n. 成就;成功 successfully adv. 圆满地;顺利地;成功地 such adj. 这样的 ...

4.有成绩地 form vi. 形成,产生 n.形式 successfully ad. 成功地,有成绩地 former a. 从前的,前任的 ...

5.有成效地 Normally 正常地;通常地 Successfully 有成效地,成功地 Perhaps 或许, …



1.Results: All operative were completed successfully, there was no serious cardiovascular incident happened, no death of the patients.结果:全部患者均顺利完成手术,无中转开腹及死亡病例。

2.She said there were 26 students in her resources exploration class who successfully changed their original major to the current one.她说,自己就读的资源勘探班里面有26名同学是通过转专业过来的。

3.Most of these children can be successfully treated at home with ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF).大多数这类儿童可在家里利用治疗性即食食品(RUTF)得到有效治疗。

4.The system can fulfill the interactivity and real time effectively, and has been used successfully in the vehicle simulator.系统完全可以满足汽车驾驶模拟器的交互性和实时性要求,在实际应用中取得了较好的效果。

5.Yes, that will add up to a -125% intellect, successfully unlocking the hunter class for your account.是的,这总共将减少125%的智力,为你的帐号解锁了小白猎职业。

6.It had special shade-endurance capacity in seedpng stages, but successfully expresses to the sun plant behind the seedpng.西藏野生梅花幼苗期具有一定的耐阴性,而成苗后表现为喜光。

7.Uhm, I can successfully say that 2008 was an excellent year for me, but a big part of it had to do with you guys.呃,我可以肯定的说2008年对我而言是非常棒的一年,但其中的一大部分都与你们这群伙伴有关。

8.How successfully you handle peer pressure depends a great deal on how you feel about yourself and your place in the world.能否正确处理这种压力,很大程度上取决于你能否清楚的认识自己,以及能否找准自己的位置。

9.The question of whether modern democracies can successfully resist popupst tyranny is raised and then abandoned within two paragraphs.关于现代民主制能否有效抗衡民粹主义暴政的问题被提及,而后在两段的篇幅里又被放弃了。

10.Whether or not the product sells successfully may ultimately depend on the way it is presented to its potential customers, on its image.产品销路好坏最终将决定于向潜在客户展示的方式,决定于它的形象。