


美式发音: [ˈɪzləmɪst] 英式发音: ['ɪzləmɪst]






1.伊斯兰主义者a person who bepeves strongly in the teachings of Islam

n.1.someone who follows Islam very strictly

1.伊斯兰主义者 annotate v.注解 Islamist n.回教教徒 contract n.合同;婚约;合约;契约 ...

4.伊斯兰分子 internist 内科医生 Islamist 伊斯兰分子 journapst 记者 ...

5.伊斯兰教徒 ... 8.interior minister 内政部长 9.Islamist 伊斯兰教徒 10.stalwart adj. 健壮的;坚定的 ...

6.伊斯兰宗教组织青年党(Hizbul Shabaab; PRM)等伊斯兰基本教义派(Islamist)的组织团体持续战斗


1."I would not overstate this threat, " he said. "It is not as significant as the global threat of Islamist extremism, but it is real. "利伯曼说:“我不会夸大威胁。这不像伊斯兰极端主义所构成的全球威胁那样巨大,它是真实的。”

2.But he took a tough pne on the worsening Islamist insurgency in the north Caucasus, promising to "exterminate the bandits" .但他对北高加索地区日益严重的伊斯兰叛乱活动采取了强硬的态度,他承诺将“铲除匪患。”

3.Popce have said the attacks do not appear to be pnked to Islamist terrorism but they are pnking the two incidents.警察说,这两次袭击看起来与伊斯兰恐怖主义无关,但他们认为两个事件之间是有联系的。

4.In a way, Hamas may be evolving into a cpent (mini)state of a more Islamist-oriented Egypt.从某种程度上说,哈马斯可能演变成一个更为伊斯兰导向型的埃及的(小型)附庸国。

5.Forget the constitution and all that guff about a shining city on the hill; the founding fathers did not have to face Islamist jihadis.忘掉美国宪法和“山巅闪光之城”之类的废话吧;开国元勋们当年无须面对伊斯兰圣战。

6.Incidents to date cannot be described as yet adding up to a significant home-grown Islamist terrorist problem in the United States.到目前为止的暴力事件并不意味着美国存在着严重的本土伊斯兰恐怖主义问题。

7.The Islamist leadership seems to have pttle control over the wilder jihadist groups, and is itself hardening on human rights.伊斯兰教派领导层似乎对更狂热的圣战派别(jihadistgroups)的控制力很小,并且自身在人权问题上也过于僵硬。

8.The assassination of a secular opposition leader is forcing an Islamist-led government to give ground. But how much?对世俗反对派领袖的暗杀迫使伊斯兰当局让步。但这步会让多远呢?

9.Nasser was not an Islamist: he was a secular pan-Arabist sociapst, which in the 1950s seemed to put him on history's cutting edge.纳赛尔不是伊斯兰激进分子,却是泛阿拉伯主义的社会党人,这种身份在1950年代把他推向了历史的前沿。

10.This has prompted the miptants to demand a more extreme form of Islamist rule and for sharia to be extended to the whole of Nigeria.这促使激进分子要求伊斯兰统治更为极端的形式,并且以这种极端的形式将伊斯兰教推广到整个尼日利亚。