




1.北极震荡暖化与冰雪的反射作用之外,导致融冰的因素还有一个:北极振荡震动Arctic Oscillation),它会使北极附近的气温毫无徵 …

6.北极震荡现象季,有气象专家解释,欧亚地区近年频频出现寒冬,是由北极震荡现象Arctic oscillation)造成;亦有专家则指北半球严寒…

7.北极震荡性气候今年冬天,由于北极震荡性气候(Arctic oscillation),使12月的温度比通常较高,所以海冰比通常增长的较慢。 编者按:关于这 …


1.The unusual cold might have been driven at least partly by the Arctic Oscillation (AO).这不寻常寒冷的一部分原因可能由于是北极涛动(AO)。

2.Then, this past winter, there was a natural weather shift called the Arctic Oscillation, sort of a cold weather cousin to El Nino.然后在上个冬季,出现了一种气候变化,就是所谓的“北极涛动”,和厄尔尼诺现象相关联的寒冷气候现象。

3.In terms of global average temperature, this winter's arctic oscillation "probably roughly cancels out, " Dr. Meier said.至于对全球平均气温的影响,梅耶博士认为,今年的北极涛动“大体上抵消了全球气温上升的影响”。

4.Conroy's hypothesized pnk between dust levels and the Arctic Oscillation "probably warrants more investigation, " Thompson says.Thompson说,Conroy关于尘土量与北极震荡之间存在联系的假定“可能还需要更多准确的数理依据”。

5.In the higher latitudes, these patterns may be connected to the Arctic Oscillation.在高纬度地区,这种气候模式可能与北极涛动有关。

6.Dynamical Prototype of the Arctic Oscillation as Revealed by aNeutral Singular Vector.用中性单一向量展示的北极涛动动力模型。

7.Arctic Oscillation Analyzed as a Singular Eigenmode of the Global Atmosphere作为全球大气奇异本征模的北极涛动分析

8.Notes of Difference between the Arctic Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation北极涛动与北大西洋涛动的差异

9.Linkage of Inter-decadal Variations of the Arctic Oscillation and Summer Precipitation over North China北极涛动年代际变化与华北夏季降水的联系

10.Modulation of Total Ozone Anomapes in the Midlatitude Northern Hemisphere by the Arctic Oscillation极地振荡引起的北半球中纬度总臭氧异常调制