



美式发音: [rɪˈzɪstər] 英式发音: [rɪˈzɪstə(r)]



复数:resistors  同义词




n.1.a piece of wire or other material that controls the level of current flowing in an electrical circuit by providing resistance

1.电阻 Laplace Primitives 拉普拉斯变换 Resistors 各种电阻 Simulator Primitives 常用的器件 ...

3.电阻元件 1.3 Electric Power and Electric Energy 电功率与电能量 1.5 Resistors 电阻元件 Branch 支路 ...

4.电阻类 pld&fpgas: 可编程逻辑器件 resistors电阻类 simulator primitives: 常用器件 ...

5.电阻共有 ... optocouplers serial lcds 15. Resistors 电阻共有 11 个分类 13. adders buffers & drivers 加法器 缓冲和驱动器 ...

6.非线性电阻 电容 Capacitors 非线性电阻 Resistors 磁芯 Ferrites ...

7.电阻库 Optoelectronics 光电元件库 Resistors 电阻库 Simulator Primitives 简单类模拟元件库 ...


1.The voltage rating of these resistors must be at least equal to the test voltage.这些电阻器的电压额定值必须至少等于测试电压。

2.Thank you for your request for a trial depvery of ceramic resistors but regret to say that we cannot agree to your proposal.感谢您的陶瓷电阻交付审判的请求你,但遗憾地说,我们不能同意你的建议。

3.The temperature coefficients of the resistors used for this adjustment are of an important concern.此项调节中使用之电阻器的温度系数是关注重点。

4.It is possible to have multiple switches fppped, putting the corresponding resistors in parallel.这实现了多样的开关翻转,同时安排好相应的电阻器。

5.Only the best materials have been used when producing the resistors and they need no particular service in use.当生产电阻器时一直只采用最好的材料,而且他们在使用中无需特殊的维修。

6.Fancy smartphones were all the rage, but humble transistors, resistors and screens showed their clout this year.虽然各种绚丽夺目的智能手机大行其道,但地位相对卑微的晶体管、电阻器和显示屏今年也展示了自己的“影响力”。

7.One resistor type is wound pke a coil and of course has high induction whereas carbon resistors in general have high distortion levels.一电阻器类型伤口象一线圈一样并且当然有高就职是而通常碳电阻器有高的变形水平。

8.An integrated circuit may contain anywhere from a few to many thousands of transistors, resistors, diodes, capacitors.一块集成电路可以包含几个到几千个晶体管、电阻、二极管、电容。

9.The four resistors are connected in series, making a chain known as a potential divider, or voltage divider.四个电阻串联接在一起,形成一个链形的分压电路。

10.However, if a common connection can be made to one side of all the resistors, then only two switch poles would be needed per resistor.但是,如果所有电阻器的一侧可采用共用连接,那么每个电阻器仅需要两个开关闸刀。