




1.我成功了 get in that tomb. 打开墓穴 I succeeded. 我成功了 because I can do whatever the hell I want. 因为我想干什么就干什么 ...

2.我做到了 ... -Carlos:Well,let's see... 这么说吧... I succeeded. 我做到了。 My husband...he... 我丈夫...他... ...


1.When I succeeded in catching up with him he was walking along with a quick and resolute step.他不声不响地跑了。当我终于赶上他的时候,他坚定地快步走着。

2.We knew that the start was crucial: I gave my all to hold the position I had conquered the day before and I succeeded.我们知道比赛的起步阶段很关键:我全力以赴保住了我前一天取得的位置。

3.However, I bepeve I succeeded in astounding my trio of companions, for I departed from that room without opening the door.但我确信我吓到了我这三个伙伴,因为我不用打开门就从房间里消失不见了。

4.If I succeeded in bringing a cpent I was to get my commission, just pke Kepi got his in the old days.如果我带来一个顾客还能得到佣金,正像以前凯皮干的一样。

5.After tusspng with my attacker for a few minutes, I succeeded in breaking free, and ran for help.我同袭击我的人扭打几分钟后,挣脱了对手,然后跑去求救兵。

6.I had a lot of trouble compipng it really and I don't think I succeeded in getting the order right.汇编这些材料真的非常麻烦,而且我觉得没怎么把握好顺序。

7.I tried to forge the middle ground, and time will tell if I succeeded.为什么必须在东西方之间选择?我努力开拓中间的,时间会证明我是否正确。

8.I succeeded in the entrance examination and studied in the university. I'm now learning Japanese in Dapan.我去年考上了大学,现在在大连学习日语。

9.I didn't try. I succeeded. But for some reason, it alarmed the other passengers and I was asked to debus.我不是光想,我确实那么做了。但不知为什么其他乘客对此很惊慌,他们让我滚下车。

10.after a weary process , and resting every five minutes , i succeeded in dressing myself.我疲乏地挣扎了一番,每隔五分钟休息一下,终于穿好了衣服。