




1.开火 Captain confirming. 船长确认中。攻击 Fire at will. 自由开火。* I have the information. 我知道信息。 ...

3.随意开火 Captain confirming. 船长确认中。 Fire at will. 随意开火。 Target sighted. 目标已发现。 ...

4.准备开火 take action 行动 fire at will 准备开火 let it be 随他去 ...

5.自由射击 Weapons free: 允许开火 Fire at will: 自由射击 return fire: 还击 ...

6.无限制射击 ... STEALTH KILL: 暗杀 FIRE AT WILL无限制射击 SELECT: 进入任 …

7.自由攻击 "Missle Attack!" 发射弓箭! "Fire At will" 自由攻击 romans_senate 罗马元老院 ...


1.In a particularly heated battle will multiple ships to control, you can assign your guns to fire at will.在特殊情况下,您可以命令处于白热化战斗中的战舰自由开火。

2.Magnums Fire At Will actually did well in both Halter and performance, taking Top Ten awards in both areas.美酒在会火居然在沃特和性能,在这两个领域的十大奖项。

3.Any sign of an enemy vessel, you fire at will.只要有敌人的动静,就直接射击。

4.Gummy cannons! In position. Fire at will!粘性大炮!就位!全力发射!

5.Load your rifles and fire at will.把枪装上子弹,这样就可以随意射击了。

6.Under God, you can fire at will以上帝之名,你可以随意杀戮