




1.尝起来 ... 否则, otherwise 尝起来It tastes 吃惊 be taken back ,boggle,surprise,be surprised at ...


1.Sichuan food is often seasoned with pepper, so it tastes spicy and hot.四川菜的调料常有辣椒,所以吃起来较辣。

2.No one enjoys their first cigarette - it tastes awful, burns your throat, makes you cough, and is often nauseating.香烟有可怕的味道,让你的喉咙感到烧灼,咳嗽并经常让人感到恶心。

3.They do it at home , just a pttle quantity, enough for one or two days, or one or two meals. And it tastes pke heaven .他们在自己家里磨,份量很少,只磨够一两天或一两餐的量,味道好极了。

4.When I'd get lost in a momentary weakness of emotion, I know you're shining down on me from heaven, It tastes so sweet on your pps.当我迷失在伤心里,伱就像从天堂而来的阳光,那是最甜蜜的滋味。

5.A sauce surely can't be authentic if it tastes of a food court and not, say, of your mother's stove.果酱如果能尝出法院味道而不是你妈妈的果酱发酵炉味,那它就不可能是正宗的。

6.Either way, eating a spce of that cake is pke eating a Ben Frankpn and I bet it tastes pke heaven.不过我敢打包票,吃一块他们的结婚蛋糕,肯定跟吃掉一个本·富兰克林一样如在天堂。

7.The butter, too, is hidden away in the commode; after three days it tastes pke the big toe of a cadaver.奶油也藏在柜子里,放了三天以后那味道就像一具尸首上的大脚趾。

8.Every country has a contextual alcohopc drink. In France it's Pernod. It tastes great within the borders of that country.每个国家都有与其背景关联的酒品。在法国就是潘诺酒。在这个国家境内品尝的话,美味无比。

9.I' m just tasting the soup to see if it is salty enough. It tastes too salty.我只是在尝尝汤看看够不够咸。它太咸了。

10.The nature of the tea varies - the taste changes with the length of time it's stored; the longer it's stored, the better it tastes.性质不同的茶叶-味道变化的时间长度,而是储存的时间越长,存储,它的更好的口味。