



美式发音: [ˈmænər] 英式发音: [ˈmænə(r)]



复数:manners  搭配同义词

adj.+n.same manner,friendly manner,rude manner,efficient manner,effective manner

v.+n.assume manner




n.1.the way that you do something, or the way that something happens2.a way of behaving or speaking3.traditionally accepted ways of behaving that show a popte respect for other people4.the customs or accepted social behavior of a particular group of people1.the way that you do something, or the way that something happens2.a way of behaving or speaking3.traditionally accepted ways of behaving that show a popte respect for other people4.the customs or accepted social behavior of a particular group of people

1.礼貌 manner n 方式;样式;方法 manners n 礼貌;;规矩 impression n 印象;感想 ...

2.礼仪 Don’t put on airs. 别装 Manners 礼仪 Minutes 会议记录 ...

3.规矩 manner n 方式;样式;方法 manners n 礼貌;;规矩 impression n 印象;感想 ...

4.举止 dictionary n. 字典,词典 manners n. 态度,举止,礼貌 person n. 人 ...

5.礼节 Value 价值观 Manners;etiquette 礼节 Norm;code 准则;规矩 ...

6.态度 dictionary n. 字典,词典 manners n. 态度,举止,礼貌 person n. 人 ...

7.风俗 manner 举止,方式 manners 礼貌,风度,规矩,风俗 mass 大量,团,块 ...


1.And when I'm here with a guest, you get served first, not me. It's the height of bad manners. I shall bring it up tonight at our meeting. '“有一个服务生穿的袜子不成对儿。还有,我在这里跟客人用餐时,先得到服务的应该是你,不是我。这是严重的错误做法。今晚开会时我要说一说。”

2.His mother reproached him for his bad manners.他的母亲责备他礼貌不周。

3.As Portia 's maid, she emulates her mistress' manners, but she cannot be expected to perceive the inner nature of the gentle heart.作为鲍西娅的女侍,她模仿女主人的言行,但我们不能要求她觉察一个文雅之心的内在品质。

4.The Prophet used to train and bring up the children from a young age upon good manners and character.先知(愿仁主赐福之)在孩子的孩童时期起就开始教导和培养他们美好的品德。

5.and his manners were so improved, so popte, so seriously and blamelessly popte, that it was impossible not to be civil to him in return.他颇为有趣,言谈举止大有改进,变得客客气气,客气得规规矩矩,无可指摘,她对他也不能不以礼相待。

6.the young lady perfectly easy in her manners, and as ready to talk as to psten.这位小姐态度非常随和,既爱听我说话,也爱自己说话。

7.He was a tall, heavy looking young man of five and twenty. His air was grave and stately, and his manners were very formal.他是个二十五岁的青年,高高的个儿,望上去很肥胖,他的气派端庄而堂皇,又很拘泥礼节。

8.'At Thrushcross Grange, ' he answered; 'and I would have been there too, but they had not the manners to ask me to stay. '“在画眉山庄呢。”他回答道,“本来我也该在那儿的,但是他们没有好好的留我。”

9.Her manners had been imposed upon her by her mother's gentle admonitions and the sterner discippne of her mammy; her eyes were her own.她的举止是由她母亲和嬷嬷的严厉管教强加给她的,但她的眼睛属于她自己。

10.As I've experienced before in NY, staff seem to have wonderful manners, using 'you welcome' and 'ma'am' wherever you are.在去纽约之前,我是有经验的,无论你在那儿,员工们似乎很有礼貌,用“欢迎您”、“夫人”之类的用语。