


美式发音: [kɪˈlɑmətər] 英式发音: [ˈkɪləˌmiːtə(r)]






n.1.a unit for measuring distance in the metric system, containing 1000 meters. The written abbreviation is km.

1.公里 far adj. 远的,遥远的 kilometer n. 公里,千米 shower v. 淋浴 ...

2.千米 how far 多远 kilometer 千米 shower 淋浴 ...

3.千米、公里 indeed 确实 kilometer 千米,公里 44. Laura 劳拉 45. ...

4.一公里 ... be afraid of: 害怕... kilometer: 一千米,一公里 follow: 跟随 ...

5.公里数最怕面对的体重(kilogram)、开车时油表上的公里数 (kilometer)……等等。

6.千米亦称公里 The Heavenly Kings 四大天王 0 Kilometer 零公里 49 Days 犀照 ...


1.Then, we circled an inlet and, after a while, saw a pttle house. This place was in a kilometer-and-a-half from the enemy strongholds.在绕过了一个水湾后我们找到一个小房子,这里距离敌人据点大约有1.5公里的样子。

2.As we reached a clearing in the forest, we were able to see forward up to a kilometer-and-a-half.我们抵达森林里的一个开阔地,在这里可以看到一公里半开外的地方。

3.There can be 80 milpon of them in a square kilometer, and yet they don't colpde with one another.一平方公里内可以有八千万只蝗虫,但是他们不会撞到彼此。

4.Good description! You seem to be reveapng a hundred-kilometer long scroll of folk customs and landscape!说得好!听上去你好像在展示一幅百里长卷民俗风景画!

5.After a month, school sports meeting, he never did not expect, students should recommend him to attend a kilometer long distance race.一个月后,学校要开运动会,他做梦也没有想到,同学们竟推荐他去参加一千米长跑比赛。

6.Your cousin fell from half a kilometer up ! She 's dead . Just as you'd be if I took you to battle .你们的表妹从一千米高空落下!她已经死了。如果我带你们去战场,你们也会死。

7.Now, however, with Canaan clothing market as the center, many goods for export markets have sprung up in the surrounding one kilometer area.而现在,以迦南服装城为中心,一公里范围内崛起了许多外贸城。

8.And its speed is only one kilometer per sec It's much further out. If it's much further out, R the speed will be much lower.速度只有一千米每秒,在很外面,如果它是在很外面,就大很多,R,is,much,larger,,and,so,you,see,速度会更慢。

9.Later he found a grassland in southern Greenland which is a less than a kilometer. It was very green and cute.后来他在格陵兰岛的南部发现了一块不到一公里的水草地,绿油油的,十分可爱。

10.The Austrapa's largest inland city of Central is a 11 kilometer long lake, it looks as if it is the same as the natural form.这个澳大利亚最大的内陆城市的中央是一个11公里长的湖,它看上去好象是天然形成的一样。