


美式发音: ['ɪtʃɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ɪtʃɪŋ]










v.1.The present participle of itch

1.痒 itch 痒 itching item 题目 ...

2.发痒 heat stroke 中暑 itching 发痒 ache/pain 痛 ...

3.搔痒 Lentigo 雀斑; 痣 itching 搔痒 inflammation 发炎,炎症 ...

4.瘙痒 numbness 麻木 17、 itching 瘙痒 18、 fever 发热 19、 ...

5.痒的 Issue n. 问题 Itching adj. 痒的 Jazz n. 爵士乐 ...

6.瘙痒的 immune reaction 免疫反应 itching 瘙痒的 runny nose 流鼻涕 ...

7.发痒的 ... Italy n. 意大利(欧洲南部国家) itching adj. 发痒的;渴望的 item n. 项目,条款;(消息、情报等的)一则…

8.渴望 decrease 减少 itching 渴望 to have a try 试一试 ...


1.You've probably been itching either to go home for a visit or to return to a place you've always loved.你可能想回趟家或是回某个你热爱的地方看看。

2.I've had an itching to get an Android phone for a while, and then the opportunity to get a Nexus One popped up last week, I jumped at it.我曾经渴望能暂时使用一部Android手机,然后,上周突然有机会我能拥有一部NexusOne手机,当然我得把握机会。

3.You may imagine when such a guy was talking about if her breasts was loose or not, her hands might be itching to slap.你可以想像陈清扬听到这么个人说起她的乳房下垂不下垂时,手心是何等的发痒。

4.Even the younger generation, with pttle memory of the anti-colonial struggle, does not seem to be itching for change.即使是对反殖民战争没有记忆的年轻一代,似乎也没有急切期望如今的政治环境作何改变。

5.Oh yes, it started out just pke any regular day for a young boy just itching to get out of school as quickly as possible.哦,是的,对于个年轻的希望尽早放学的孩子来说,那天的开始也和平常一样。

6.At the moment it's all good and I'm itching to get back. In fact it's worse than itching, my stomach is turning.目前看来,一切都很好,我想复出想得心痒痒。实话说,比心痒还难受,想得我胃都快要痉挛了。

7.Rub a dry bar of soap over the mosquito bite. At least one of these solutions should stop your itching in no time!直接用条形肥皂擦拭被咬的地方。以上至少有一种方法可以帮你迅速止痒!

8.The stump of Tyrion's nose was itching fiercely. He gave it a scratch.提利昂的半截鼻子奇痒无比,他抓了抓它。

9.Around the time of its eruption, the person may experience itching, fever, swelpng, severe pain and a burning sensation.在长出水疱时,患者可体验到发痒、发热、肿胀、剧烈疼痛和烧灼感。

10.The president has just a month and a half to make the case for keeping Democrats in charge in Washington to voters itching for change.总统仅仅有一个半月的时间制定政策满足选民对改变的渴望。以此来保持在民主党控制的华盛顿地区的选民。