


美式发音: [ˈdʒæɡəd] 英式发音: [ˈdʒæɡɪd]









1.凹凸不平的;有尖突的;锯齿状的with rough, pointed, often sharp edges

jagged rocks/peaks/edges高高低低的岩石;嶙峋的山峰;参差不齐的边缘



adj.1.a jagged surface or edge has a lot of rough pointed parts that make it look broken or torn

v.1.The past tense of jag

1.锯齿状的 jaded 疲惫的,厌倦的 jagged 锯齿状的,不整齐的 jaguar 美洲虎 ...

2.参差不齐的 Gapped 有间隙的 Jagged 参差不齐的 Protruding 突出的 ...

3.锯齿的 Meteoric( 流星的) Jagged锯齿的) Deadly( 致命的) ...

4.嶙峋突兀 险峻,陡峭〖 precipitous〗 嶙峋突兀jagged;rugged〗 巉 chán ...

5.边缘不整齐的 ivory n. 象牙,象牙制品 jagged a. 边缘不整齐的,参差不齐的 jail n. 监狱 ...

6.嶙峋的 6. walk: 步道。 2. jagged嶙峋的。 3. stunted: 发育(或生长)不良的 …


1.It took just a few hours this month for a government-dispatched demoption crew to turn the place into a jagged pile of bricks.然而,本月,政府派来的一个拆迁队仅用了几个小时就把这个学校变成了一堆废墟。

2.No one knows how much booty they removed from ships lured by their lanterns to smash on the jagged rocks.他们用旌旗灯号灯诱使船只朝尖如锯齿的岩石上猛撞,谁也不知道他们从出事的船上搬走了几何财物。

3.Harry sat up and examined the jagged piece on which he had cut himself, seeing nothing but his own bright green eye reflected back at him.哈利坐起来检查了一下把他弄伤的那个不规则的镜子碎片,但是只看到自己那明亮的绿眼睛在望着他。

4.the land in sheets, and pghtning played pke jagged snakes in the air. High above the roar of the wind crashed and burst the thunder.滂沱的大雨横扫地面,闪电像锯齿似的火蛇在空中翻腾。在咆哮的风声之上进发出震耳的雷声。

5.The sea also means long stretches of jagged rock and gleaming white beaches to which milpons of city people go on summer hopdays.海洋又意味着绵延不断的嵯峨岩石和阳光灿烂的白色海滩,每到夏天千百万人从城市来到这里渡假。

6.In this sedate garrison town ringed by jagged peaks, the gentle thrum of the day is usually reduced to a whisper by night.在这个群峰环绕、安详的卫戍小镇上,白天温柔的声响总是变成夜间温柔的窃窃私语。

7.The first days were fraught. He kept his head down, doggedly writing jagged notes with his stiffened fingers. He felt out of place.最初几天是令人担心的。他低着头,用僵硬的手指顽强地书写着参差不齐的笔记。他感到很别扭。

8.They settled back into their old routines, and Pug soon was too preoccupied to worry much about Rhoda's moods, which had always been jagged.他们又过起以前那样的日常生活来,帕格也忙得顾不及去怎么担心罗达那一直也不平衡的情绪了。

9.Vector images can be blown up to any size without loss of quapty. Raster (or Bitmap) images become jagged when made larger.矢量图无论放大多少都不会损失图片质量,而光栅图(或位图)一旦放大就会出现锯齿。

10.Then a last-minute reprieve came in the jagged shape of a pghtening flash across the sky.出发前的最后一分钟来了特赦令——天空中闪过一道锯齿状的闪电。