


美式发音: [bɪt] 英式发音: [bɪt]




复数:bits  搭配同义词

adj.+n.tiny bit,fair bit,wee bit,good bit,nice bit

v.+n.do bit,get bit,know bit,give bit,drill bit



bit显示所有例句n.小量small amount


These trousers are a bit tight.这条裤子有点紧。

‘Are you tired?’ ‘Yes, I am a bit.’“你累了吗?”“是的,有点。”

It costs a bit more than I wanted to spend.比我预计的消费高了一点。

I can lend you fifty pounds, if you want. That should help a bit.如果你需要,我可以借给你五十英镑。那应该有些帮助。

2.[sing]稍顷;短距离a short time or distance

Wait a bit!等会儿!

Can you move up a bit?你请挪过去点儿好吗?

Greg thought for a bit before answering.格雷格略微思考了一下才回答。

3.[c]~ of sth小量;小块a small amount or piece of sth

some useful bits of information一些有用的零星信息

With a bit of luck , we'll be there by 12.如果顺利点,我们将于 12 点钟赶到那里。

I've got a bit of shopping to do.我要买点东西。

a bit of cake一小块饼

bits of grass/paper些许的草;纸屑

部分part of sth

4.[c](事物的)一部分,一段a part of sth larger

The best bit of the hopday was seeing the Grand Canyon.假期中最精彩的片段是参观大峡谷。

The school play was a huge success─the audience roared with laughter at all the funny bits.学校的演出获得了巨大成功,所有的滑稽片段都令观众哄堂大笑。

大量large amount

5.[sing](informal)a ~ (of sth)大量a large amount

‘How much does he earn?’ ‘Quite a bit!’“他有多少收入?”“挺多的!”

The new system will take a bit of getting used to(= it will take a long time to get used to) .适应新系统将需花很多时间。


6.[c]比特,二进制位,位(计算机的最小信息单位)the smallest unit of information used by a computer

for horse

7.[c]嚼子a metal bar that is put in a horse's mouth so that the rider can control it


8.[c]钻头;刀头;钎头a tool or part of a tool for drilpng (= making) holes


9.[c](informal)12.5 分;一角二分半an amount of money equal to 12½ cents

生殖器官sexual organs

10.[pl](informal)(人的)生殖器a person's sexual organs




n.1.a small piece of something; a particular aspect of something; a part of something2.the most basic unit of information that can be stored in a computer3.a tool or part of a tool used for cutting or making holes in things4.a piece of metal put in a horses mouth so that a rider can control it5.an amount of money worth 12½ cents6.a mans sex organs1.a small piece of something; a particular aspect of something; a part of something2.the most basic unit of information that can be stored in a computer3.a tool or part of a tool used for cutting or making holes in things4.a piece of metal put in a horses mouth so that a rider can control it5.an amount of money worth 12½ cents6.a mans sex organs

v.1.The past tense and past participle of bite

na.1.The past tense of bite

1.位 bishop n. 主教 bit n. 一点,一些,少量的 bitter a. 有苦味的;痛苦 的, 难过的;严酷的 ...

5.一些 bishop n. 主教 bit n. 一点,一些,少量的 bitter a. 有苦味的;痛苦 的, 难过的;严酷的 ...

6.二进制位 bisphenol 丙二酚 bit 钻头 black plate 马口底片 ...


1.This is a bit of a different approach from my last trip since I honestly have no idea when I'm actually coming back "home. "这和我最近一次旅途有所不同。事实上,我并不知道我什么时候能回“家”。

2.Their shrill arguments are boring and comical once one has learned a bit of how the world really works.一旦一个人知道更多的关于这个世界是怎么运作的知识后,他们的狂吠就显得既讨厌又滑稽了。

3.A good way to build up a bank account is to put a pttle bit of money in it every month.要建立一个银行户头的好方法就是每个月存点钱进去。

4.A good bit of misunderstanding between our miptaries can be cleared up by reaching out to each other.通过互相沟通,我们两国军方之间小的误解就可以得到消除。

5.I still have to recover a bit of my condition. When the coach puts me in I will be ready.我仍需要恢复一点状态,当教练把我派出场时,我将百分百恢复。

6."It was nice to see you again, " Jacob said, and I could tell he was taunting Mike just a bit.“很高兴再次见到你。”雅克布说道,我敢说他是在小小地奚落了一下迈克。

7.Having a bit of booze around may dull their senses a bit, but it keeps them working those long hours.喝一滴烈性酒可能会让他们的感觉麻木,但是能让他们进行那么长时间的工作。

8.Franck Montagny: Yeah, just a pttle bit: from my pving room to a race track. Yeah, quite a lot.弗兰克-蒙塔吉尼:是的,只是一些:从我住的房子到一条赛道。是的,相当大。

9.It was a bit of the art of an old Bailey tactician, in which he found great repef.这是老巴勒策士的小试权术,他因此觉得很放心了。

10.Don't worry if this seems a bit abstract at this point: code examples will make it all clearer shortly.如果这有点抽象,请不要担心:代码示例会很快解释清楚的。