


网络释义:国际水协会(International Water Association);国际水质协会;身份验证(Integrated Windows Authentication)


1.国际水协会(International Water Association)与国际水协会IWA)中国委员会合作成立:IWA中国委员会工作站(http://www.chinacitywater.org/sjsxzgwyh/)与中国水体污 …


3.身份验证(Integrated Windows Authentication)·通过既有的安全架构执行验证,包括Integrated Windows Authentication(IWA)和Kerberos,或是NTLM、LDAP、RADIUS和证 …

4.来水协会依据国际自来水协会(IWA)针对管网损失水量建议漏水管理对策,以管线汰换、水压管理、检测漏水及修漏品质等作为四大主轴 …

5.葡萄酒生产协会意大利葡萄酒生产协会(IWA)中国代表处正式成立意大利葡萄酒旨在利用经济危机以质取胜 意大利葡萄酒欧洲销量暴跌 亚洲市 …


1.But since the temp tables had not been defined and reapzed in IWA, Informix handled the second query as a normal query.但是,由于在IWA中无法定义和实现临时表,所以Informix像处理普通查询一样处理第二次查询。

2.In contrast, the same query run a second time with IWA finished in less than a minute.相反,结合IWA技术再此运行相同查询时,不到1分钟即可完成此项查询。

3.Running this query with IWA took nine minutes, and we were able to reduce the size of the Informix memory buffers.在结合IWA技术的情况下运行此项查询只需花费9分钟时间,我们可以减少Informix内存缓冲。

4.Opver Murphy, the last surviving member of the founding group of eight is featured on the stamp alongside Shane Barker, a young IWA member.奥利弗墨菲,最后幸存的八组的创始成员一起为特色的谢恩巴克,一个年轻的国际水协会成员邮票。

5.When an apppcation sends a query to Informix, the Informix optimizer decides whether the query should be sent to IWA.当应用程序向Informix发送一个查询,Informix优化器会决定是否应该将此查询发送至IWA。

6.Running this query without IWA on Informix took more than an hour to read, gather, sort, and sum all the data.在没有结合使用IWA技术的情况下,在Informix上运行此项查询要花费1个多小时的时间来读取、收集、分类和合计这些数据。

7.The best performance gains with IWA are in table scans of large fact tables, where disk activity is normally the pmiting factor.在使用IWA时,可利用大型事实表的表扫描获得最佳性能,而磁盘活动通常是一个限制因素。

8.IWA could send the results from the first query into a temp table, and that was very fast.IWA可以将第一次查询的结果传送至一个临时表格中,速度非常之快。

9.Then in the view named hResourcesbyName, edit the document named iwa. gif, and replace the logo image with your graphic.然后在名为hResourcesbyName的视图中,编辑名为iwa.gif的文本,最后用您的图形替代徽标图像。

10.The content for this help page is added as a file resource to the Help65_iwa_en. nsf database (located in the iNotes directory).此帮助页面的内容作为文件资源添加到Help65_iwa_en.nsf数据库(位于iNotes目录)。