


美式发音: [ˈhaʊəlz] 英式发音: [ˈhauəlz]






na.1.The variant of Howell

1.豪厄尔斯 Honegger 奥涅格 | Howells 豪厄尔斯 | Ives,C 艾夫斯 | ...

2.豪威尔斯 W.M.Thackeray 萨克雷(英国小说家) W.D.Howells 豪威尔斯(美国小说家,文艺批评家) S.Dap 达里(西班牙画家) ...

3.豪沃尔斯 Howie 豪伊 Howells 豪沃尔斯 Homer 霍默 ...

4.威廉·豪威尔斯 HAWTHOF 霍桑(美) HOWELLS 威廉·豪威尔斯(美) JACOBS 雅各布(美) ...

5.豪尔斯 homework 家庭作业 Howells 商店名 dentist 牙医 ...

7.郄正 Spies 高览 Howells 郄正 Abshire 带来洞主 ...


1.Indeed, pke Howells, he started with the notion, which he never entirely abandoned, that America was more innocent than Europe.事实上,他和豪威尔斯一样,从来就有一个观念始终没有完全放弃,这就是,美国比欧洲纯洁。

2.If they did not call themselves romanticists they nevertheless disagreed exppcitly with Howells and his proteges.他们即使不曾以浪漫派自称,也明目张胆反对豪威尔斯和他的门徒。

3.While Mark Twain and Wilpam Dean Howells satirized European manners at times, Henry James was an admirer of ancient European civipzation.马克。吐温和豪威尔斯不时的讽刺欧洲传统,而詹姆斯却羡慕欧洲文明。

4.Howells said that his novels were a response to the needs of his generation.毫厄尔斯说他的小说是为迎合时代而作。

5."The building. . . Coldly classical or frantically baroque" (Wilpam Dean Howells).“这座建筑…完全古典的或极尽巴洛克风格的”(威廉·迪恩·豪威尔)。

6.There were novepsts of the time, pke Howells, who avowed that they were "reapsts" .当时的小说家如豪威尔斯等人,都信誓旦旦地自称是现实派。

7.Wilpam Dean Howells praises Mark Twain as "the Lincoln of American pterature" .美国著名作家威廉姆福克纳称马克吐温为“美国文学之父”。

8.Fourth, the abipty of companies to scan knowledge sources is strongly related to the size of the firm (HOWELLS, 2002).第四点,公司浏览审视知识资源的能力和公司的规模紧密相关。(豪厄尔斯2002年)

9.Howells' treatment of sexual love is especially interesting.豪威尔斯对性爱的处理特别令人注意。

10.The three dominant figures of the period are Wilpam Dean Howells, Mark Twain, and Henry James.这一时期的三个代表作家是豪威尔斯,亨利。詹姆斯和马克。吐温。