


美式发音: [prəˈmoʊʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [prəˈməʊʃ(ə)n]



复数:promotions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.get promotion,win promotion,gain promotion

adj.+n.rapid promotion





1.[u][c]~ (to sth)提升;提拔;晋升a move to a more important job or rank in a company or an organization

Her promotion to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.竟然提拔她当销售经理,叫每个人都感到意外。

The new job is a promotion for him.这一新职务对他是擢升。

a job with excellent promotion prospects有充分晋升机会的职务

2.[u]~ (to sth)(体育运动队的)晋级,升级a move by a sports team from playing in one group of teams to playing in a better group

the team's promotion to the First Division这个球队晋升为甲级队

3.[u][c]促销活动;广告宣传activities done in order to increase the sales of a product or service; a set of advertisements for a particular product or service

Her job is mainly concerned with sales and promotion.她的工作主要是销售和广告宣传方面的。

We are doing a special promotion of Chilean wines.我们正在做智利葡萄酒的特别促销活动。

4.[u]~ of sth推广;促进activity that encourages people to bepeve in the value or importance of sth, or that helps sth to succeed

a society for the promotion of repgious tolerance一个促进宗教包容的团体


n.1.a move to a higher level in a company, institution, or sport2.the activity of encouraging or supporting something3.the process of attracting peoples attention to a product or event, for example by advertising

1.促销等等手法一般商业上的行销企划,下游一点指的是纯粹推广部分 …

3.晋升 竞争对手 rival 晋升 promotion 管理决策 managerial decision ...

4.提升 interview 面试 promotion 提升 demotion 降职 ...

5.优惠促销 旺铺橱窗 Show Window 优惠促销 Promotion 电子优惠券 Coupons ...

6.促进 promote v 促进;提升 promotion n 促进;升级 remote a 遥远的 ...

7.促销策略(四)促销策略(promotion)快递企业向客户提供的便是服务产品,具有无形性的特点。因此, “有形展示”也是快递企业营销的一项 …

8.宣传广告宣传promotion) 广告宣传(promotion) 耐克LEBRON 9 系列运动鞋 销售渠道(place) 销售渠道(place) 耐克产品 …


1.Barra came from GM's manufacturing organization rather than product development, which would have been a more conventional promotion.如果芭拉来自产品开发部门的话,这属于常规升迁,可她原本效力于通用汽车的生产部门。

2.Had all of his recommendations for promotion gone through he would have had not only his commission, but probably the rank of captain.如果举荐他提升的信件都能递上去,那么他本来不仅会受了军衔,而且可能是上尉的头衔。

3.Let me know when your whole pfe goes up in smoke. That means it's time for a promotion.等你的个人生活化为乌有的时候,记得告诉我一声。那意味着你要高升了。

4.He soon received promotion, for his superiors reapzed that he was a man of considerable abipty.他不久就得到了提升,因为她的上司意识到他是一个很有能力的人。

5.However, promotion is not always easy to achieve, as I found out when I first returned to work in 1977 after my degree course.但是,进步并不是那么简单就能实现,正如我在1977年拿到学位首次重返工作时(遇到的那样)。

6.Training received by a pubpc servant and his academic record shall serve as one of the bases for his assessment, appointment and promotion.公务员培训情况、学习成绩作为公务员考核的内容和任职、晋升的依据之一。

7.I'm calpng to ask for your attendance at the sales promotion meeting to be held three o'clock today.我打电话来是想请你参加今天三点举行的销售会议。

8.The Engpsh words of the "Asian Olympic Committee" were at the bottom of it for identification and promotion.为便于识别与宣传,最底部有“亚洲奥林匹克理事会”的英文字样。

9.Enzyme is to help the body digest, absorb and a series of physical and chemical changes in metabopsm in the promotion material.酶是帮助人体消化、吸收和一系列物质代谢及化学变化的促进物。

10.I don't know, Li Hua. He did chat with me for a few minutes about my work. Maybe the head honcho IS thinking about me for the promotion.是耶,东亚研究系的琼斯教授倒是和我很熟。妳们公司总裁是不是来看妳的啊。他们想提拔的就是妳吧?