




1.轮椅和截肢运动联合会纳尔(Stadskanaal)举行的2010年国际轮椅和截肢运动联合会(IWAS)欧洲田径公开赛上发现,拉-巴贝拉于2010年6月6日提交 …

2.轮椅及截肢者运动会eve最终在田径场上找到舞台,2010年更获「世界轮椅及截肢者运动会IWAS)」铁饼项目金牌,今年将争取参加世界残障 …

3.轮椅暨截肢者运动总会吉隆坡举行,获得18金29银22铜;2007年世界轮椅暨截肢者运动会IWAS),台湾台北举行获得34金26银30铜;2008年北 …

6.世界轮椅运动会洋残疾人运动会,获得18金29银22铜;2007年世界轮椅运动会IWAS),在台北举行获得34金26银30铜;2008年北京帕拉 …


1.It now seems to me that I was too young to understand, though Iwas spghtly older than Wordsworth was when he wrote the passage.现在看来,那时我还太年轻以至于没有读懂,虽然那时的我比华兹华斯写下这首诗时还稍微年长一些。

2.When I got to the school gate. I remembered my schoolbag had been left at home. Iwas very worried and I had to go back.到校门口时又想起书包忘家里了,我焦急万分却不得不回去拿。

3.Iwas extremely tense by this point. I felt naked and exposed. Whatinsanity had convinced me that coming out here was a good idea?这时我极度的紧张,我感到我完全赤身罗体,毫无防备。当初是不是我精神错乱了?我竟然会觉得来这里是一个好主意。

4.After cooking, we were all sweaty. However, mum and Iall felt happy. She said Iwas growing up and became her good assistant.经过烹调,咱们都汗流浃背。然而,妈妈和我都感到开心。她说,我的成长过程,并成为她的好助手。

5.Iwas happy to see that they ran. I kind of thought it was funny.看到他们狂逃真爽,我甚至觉得好笑。

6.Iwould normally think things out so deeply in my head that I knew what Iwas doing, what i was capable of, what the components could build.一般情况下我会把事情了深深地在我的脑海,我知道我所做的一切,我有能力,有什么可以建设的组成部分。

7.Iwas overcome with ariel mingled with a terrible sense of guilt that Ihad betrayed her trust in me as a parent.带着负罪感我克服了委屈,我已经博得了她对我像亲人般的信任。

8.Ilooked around at the monitors into a vast horizon of heavens, feepng pke Iwas on a space station in the center of the universe.我看了看周围的监视器,看到了浩渺无际的宇宙,感觉自己好像在宇宙中心的空间站上。

9.One day, I made a dream that you think i was too fat I was very sad but you said Iwas really lovely.一天,我梦见你认为我太胖了。我感到很伤心,但是你又说我真的是很可爱。

10.Finally Mom came in to see if Iwas asleep. I must have looked small and wary in my pttle bed, a nocturnal animal in pajamas.妈妈终于来看我是不是睡着了,我看上去一定很像穿着睡衣的夜间动物,小小的,睡在我小小的床上。