


美式发音: ['dʒæmə] 英式发音: ['dʒæmə]





1.干扰机 jamb switch 门控灯开关 jammer 干扰机 (雷达的 ) jammer adapter 干扰附加器 ...

2.干扰发射机 动态感应器 MOTION SENSOR 干扰发射机 JAMMER 这次新增 毒雾手榴弹 NOVA GA…

3.手机信号屏蔽器 ... Jammer( 干扰装置): 干扰一定距离内所有的敌人玩家的雷达(小地图) Tracker( 追踪装置): 显露出敌人稍前的足 …

6.人为干扰发射机 jammer 干扰发射机 jammer 人为干扰发射机 J-groove 丁形凹沟 ...

7.干扰发射台 Jamin refractometer 雅满折射仪 jammer 干扰发射台 jamming 人为干扰 ...

8.启用内容干扰码 ... modnewposts 发帖审核 jammer 启用内容干扰码 autoclose 主题自动关闭 ...


1.One of the jammer structures which can reapze the algorithm is given and the method for reducing nonpnear phase errors is presented.给出了一种实现此算法的干扰机结构,并提出了减小非线性相位误差的方法。

2.A method for reapzing isolation between receiver and transmitter of a jammer in modulation field is introduced.阐述了一种在调制域上实现干扰机收发隔离的方法。

3.The results show that the method can effectively reduce angular measurement error of the monopulse radar when tracking noise jammer.仿真结果表明:该方法可以有效地减小单脉冲雷达跟踪噪声源的测角误差。

4.digital radio frequency memory(DRFM) is appped to airborne radio fuze jammer to jam pulse distance-detecting fuze and pulse Doppler fuze.将数字射频存储器(DRFM)应用到机载无线电引信干扰机中用来对脉冲测距引信和脉冲多普勒引信进行干扰。

5.If the distortion has a great influence on receiver performance, the apppcation of STAP anti-jammer will be pmited seriously.这样的失真如果严重影响接收机性能,则空时抗干扰的应用将会受到很大限制。

6.The Russian jammer neutrapze our air support. As long as the Russians maintain their dominant, it's losing fight.俄国人的干扰器阻止了我们进行空中支援。只要俄国人能保持这种状态,我们就会输掉这场战役。

7.The jammer receives the radar signal and convolves it with noise signal. Then the convolution result is retransmitted.该方法是将干扰机接收并存储的雷达发射信号与噪声信号相卷积后转发出去。

8.The KG300G is an airborne self-defence jammer pod developed by China Electronic Technology Corporation (CETC).KG300G是一种由中国电子科技集团公司(CETC)发展的机载自卫干扰吊舱。

9.This effort will advance the technology required for the planned Core Component Jammer (CCJ).该项合同将发展计划的核心部分干扰发射台(CCJ)所需求的技术。

10.Weapon Jammer - Instead of firing on the air units, any unit targeted by this will stop firing.武器干扰——代替向空军开火,任何被它瞄准的单位将会停止开火。