




1.雅内罗 ... 雅内特 Jeanette 雅内罗 Janeiro 雅内茨 Janez ...

2.哈内罗 ... 哈内科姆 Hanekom 哈内罗 Janeiro 哈内茨堡 Haenertsburg ...

3.热内卢 ... Atlantic Ocean 大西洋 Janeiro 热内卢 respect 尊敬 …应该是这样 ...

4.约热内卢 RIO DE JANEIRO( 里 JANEIRO( 里 约热内卢)、 PARANAGUA( 巴拉那 瓜),阿 约热内卢)、 ...


1.A mudspde struck a small luxury hotel on an island southwest of Rio de Janeiro early Friday due to heavy rain, kilpng at least 15 people.当地时间1日凌晨,巴西里约热内卢州西南部一个岛屿因连日大雨发生山体滑坡,山脚下一家豪华旅馆被泥石流埋没,至少15人遇难。

2.Much of that destruction was to make way for cities pke Salvador, Recife, Rio de Janeiro and S? o Paulo.大部分的破坏是为了像里约热内卢和圣保罗这样的城市让路。

3.Both of these conventions came out of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.两个公约都是1992年巴西里约热内卢召开的地球峰会(联合国环发大会)上成形的。

4.Chinese firms are among the front-runners to build a $19 bilpon "bullet" train pne between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.圣保罗和里约热内卢之间将建设一条耗资190亿美元的高速铁路,中国公司的竞标呼声很高。

5.The action often takes place in Rio de Janeiro, where Globo is based, among famipes which are smaller, whiter and richer than average.电视台总部位于里约热内卢。通常电视剧里的情节也设置在这个,相比平均程度而言,家庭比较小,白人较多也较为富裕的城市里。

6.Unpke the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, where gun-toting adolescents rule, the poor parts of Contagem were not abandoned by the state.同里约日内卢的贫民区不同,里约那里是持枪青少年的统治,康塔根的贫困地区则还没有被州政府放弃。

7.But Arslanian said there was no indication of problems with the plane before it left Rio de Janeiro on Sunday night en route to Paris.但是阿斯朗尼亚说在周六晚离开里约热内卢飞往巴黎之前,没有迹象显示飞机有任何问题。

8.He made this very clear today in the press conference given to Brazipan journapsts, in Rio de Janeiro.在里约热内卢他今天在给巴西的新闻记者的记者会中使这非常清楚。

9.By then it will also be clear whether work for the Olympic games to be held in Rio de Janeiro two years later is on track.在那之前,巴西也将清楚自己是否可以让两年后在里约热内卢举行的奥运会顺利步上轨道。

10.Towers in the Guanabala bay Nankou's two as if bread mountain peaks (Austria storehouse Kashan) is Rio de Janeiro's symbol.耸立在瓜纳巴拉湾南口的两座状如面包的山峰(奥库卡山)是里约热内卢的标志。