


美式发音: [dʒəˈroʊm] 英式发音: [dʒəˈrəum]





1.杰罗姆 Jeremy 杰里米 Jerome 杰罗姆 Joan 琼 ...

2.耶柔米 Jeremy 杰勒米 希伯来 上帝之崇高 Jerome 哲罗姆 拉丁 神圣的名字 Jerry 杰理 拉丁 神圣的名字 ...

4.拉丁 Jeremy 杰勒米 希伯来 上帝之崇高 Jerome 哲罗姆 拉丁 神圣的名字 Jerry 杰理 拉丁 神圣的名字 ...


6.杰尔姆杰尔姆(Jerome)伯明翰 3 34 127 加里·卡希尔(Gary Cahill) 博尔顿 3 36 128 古铁雷斯(Jonas Gutierrez) 纽卡斯尔 3 37 129

7.热罗姆如果由拿破仑的弟弟热罗姆(Jerome),即威斯特伐利亚国王直接统治法兰克福的话,犹太人解放的过程可能更快,因为热罗姆 …

8.杰洛米你们称为杰洛米(Jerome)的实体可以很好地协助, 使用有些非正统的医疗方式.因为你们的正统医者相当地误解过敏(症状), 将该 …


1.Jerome Thomas, Andrey Arshavin and Jermaine Pennant were all substituted 19 times, more than any other player this season.托马斯、阿尔沙文和彭南特都被替换19次,比本赛季的其他球员被替换下场的次数多。

2.Spokesman Capt. Jerome Baroe said the signals had come from Russian warships moving from the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea.发言人海军上校JeromeBaroe说,来自俄罗斯军舰上的信号一直在地中海到波罗的海之间移动。

3.A small statue of the saint is placed on a huge platform, simulating a mountain to which Jerome once retreated.一尊圣徒的小塑像被放在一个大平台上,模拟何洛莫曾经隐居其间的山岳。

4.The author, Jerome Maida, said the 26-year-old's pfe makes for a particularly compelpng story.作者杰罗.姆梅达(JeromeMaida)表示,今年26岁的马克,他将一个特别引人注目的故事。

5.Saint Jerome is the city's patron saint, and he's celebrated each year with a raucous festival highpghted by a joyful procession.圣·何洛莫(SaintJerome)是这个城市的保护神,为纪念他,每年都会举行一个由欢乐的游行队伍组成的闹哄哄的节日。

6.Mary hardened her heart. It was no good being kind to Miss Jerome.玛丽硬起了心肠,因为对杰罗姆小姐心软是没有好处的。

7.The Henry Jerome orchestra was a fourteen-man ensemble that had become fairly prominent on the East Coast.亨利·杰罗姆的管弦乐队是个有14人的演出团体,在东海岸相当有名。

8.Jerome Salle will certainly be one of the best French directors of the young generation.热罗姆-萨郎无疑是法国新生代导演中的佼佼者。

9.Some of the books of Eric Jerome Dickey and K'wan are worth reading as well.埃里克·迪基(EricJeromeDickey)与关(K’wan)的某些书籍也值得一读。

10.And he told me there was a slot open in Henry Jerome's outfit.然后他向我透露:亨利·杰罗姆那里刚好有个空缺。