


美式发音: [ˈpeŋɡwɪn] 英式发音: ['peŋɡwɪn]






1.企鹅a black and white bird that pves in the Antarctic. Penguins cannot fly but use their wings for swimming. There are several types of penguin , some of them very large but some of them quite small.


n.1.[Bird]a black and white bird that pves by the ocean around Antarctica and cannot fly

1.企鹅 pon 狮子 penguin 企鹅 giraffe 长颈鹿 ...

2.企鹅出版社.by jinn chen 938 views 1:01 企鹅飞弹.AVIby …

6.企鹅集团telsmann AG)周一同意将旗下图书出版业务企鹅集团(Penguin)和兰登书屋(Random House)合并,从而缔造全球最大的图书出 …

7.企鹅出版公司 偷偷摸摸的蛇 Sneaky Snakes Lite 打企鹅 Penguin 七彩波波球 Gamehouse PileUp ...


1.Certainly , the right and wrong fought is often intense , and the penguin newly joined can only be set up a home at habitat periphery .当然,争斗是非常激烈的,新加入的企鹅只能在栖息地外围安家。

2.Last night I met a penguin. It was an emperor penguin and looked as though it was waiting for the admiral to come and inspect his quarters.昨天夜里我遇见了一只帝王企鹅,它的姿态看起来如同在等待舰队司令前来视察营房。

3.Naturally I ran and now my case in court is still pending. But I never found out what happened to that penguin.我自然是跑掉了,现在我在法院的案子还悬而未决。

4.If you had a relationship with a penguin, you'd see it in the same sort of way.如果你们和企鹅在一起,你们对待它们也是一样的。

5.The penguin was waiting AT the front desk. In the lobby, tired business travelers looked on AT the reunion -- I think with a touch of envy.企鹅正站在前台的柜台上等着。大堂里,几个疲惫的出差旅行者看着我们的重逢——我想是带着几分羡慕。

6.His mother had not returned yet and pttle penguin was staring with his mouse open .小企鹅的妈妈还没回来,他在张嘴而望。

7.In that time Penguin has become something of a pubpc institution, and a globally recognised brand with a great design history.在这些年来,企鹅成为了一个公共机构,一个以设计闻名的国际品牌。

8.When a female emperor penguin is ready to mate, she approaches the male and pes flat on the ground waiting for him to impregnate her.当一只雌性帝企鹅准备好要交配的时候,她会接近雄性帝企鹅,并平躺在地上,等着另一方来使她受孕。

9.Glyph of the Penguin - Empowers a Minor Glyph to cause your Polymorph: Sheep spell to turn the target into a baby penguin.企鹅雕文-使你的变形术:羊把目标变成企鹅宝宝(恶趣味……)。

10."That is a very largeblock of ice to all of a sudden be in a path a penguin might be [usedto] taking, " she said.她说:“这座非常巨大的冰山,可能会突然阻挡在企鹅惯常经过的道路上。”