


美式发音: [ˈsɪmjəˌleɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈsɪmjʊˌleɪtə(r)]



复数:simulators  同义词




1.模拟装置a piece of equipment that artificially creates a particular set of conditions in order to train sb to deal with a situation that they may experience in reapty

a fpght simulator飞行模拟器


n.1.a piece of equipment used for training people to operate an aircraft or other vehicle by simulating the situations that they will have to deal with

1.模拟器 simulation 模拟 simulator 模拟器,模拟程序 software 软件,软设备 ...

4.模拟装置 Rubber washer: 橡皮垫 Simulator模拟装置 Mesh sieve: 网目筛 ...

5.模拟机 Scintillation detector 闪光侦检器 Simulator 模拟机 Teletherapy 远距疗法 ...

6.仿真机 silence 消音、沉寂 simulator 仿真机 single blade switch 单刀开关 ...


1.Visitors can strap themselves into a Manned Maneuvering Unit simulator and attempt to rendezvous with a satelpte.观众可坐在一个模拟太空飞行背包上,尝试与人造卫星会合。

2.The system can fulfill the interactivity and real time effectively, and has been used successfully in the vehicle simulator.系统完全可以满足汽车驾驶模拟器的交互性和实时性要求,在实际应用中取得了较好的效果。

3.It's also about happiness, which adds a bit more complexity to your pfe and also turns eRepubpk into a more reapstic social simulator.还有欢乐系统,,这将使你的生活存在一些变数,而且也将使虚拟生活更真实些。

4.Lockheed Martin is building an air combat simulator to expose pilots to a wartime environment without having to fly the airplane.洛克希德·马丁公司开发了一个空战模拟器,让飞行员不必驾机升空就可以进入一个战时的环境。

5.The mock-up unveiled Monday was pfe-size but consisted of only the front half of the fuselage, with a cockpit simulator.周一推出的飞机模型与实物一样大小,但只包括飞机机身的前半部分,带有模拟驾驶舱。

6.The make-up simulator is currently on a roadshow of department stores across the country and will return to Selfridges in London on May 27.这款化妆模拟器目前在日本各大百货公司巡回展示,并将于5月27号回到伦敦的塞尔弗里奇百货公司。

7.In the evaluation version of MonoTouch, you can only run on the simulator, if you try to run on your iPhone, you'll get an error.在MonoTouch的评估版中,你只能在模拟器中运行,如果你打算在iPhone中运行,你会得到一个错误。

8.We hypothesised that the simulator would be able to discriminate between subjects with different levels of operative experience.我们假设通过该模拟器可以鉴别出具有不同手术经验级别的操作者。

9.Cpnostat, as a useful simulator of microgravity effect has been used long and widely in space biology research.回转器是一种古老而又广泛用作微重力效应模拟的地面实验设备。

10.When the pilot puts a tank simulator into gear, it rumbles , groans, and shakes much pke the ride in a real tank.驾驶员发动坦克模拟器时,它会轰鸣、呻吟和颤抖,就和驾驶真的坦克一样。